Friday, June 24, 2016

BRExit (British Exit from the European Union)

I was watching the vote totals coming out live over SkyNews and stayed tuned until the netwoerks called it for Exit.

I was reasonably sure that the people of England had reached their limit of outside interference in their lives... one of the talking heads called it the "Toast and tea rebellion."

Apparently, there was a decision about to be implemented which would have removed toasters from British kitchens and hair dryers from British bathrooms (likely making it illegal to operate those appliances if they'd been built before some date as a cut off) requiring them to be replaced by newer, more energy efficient technology.

This, it was said, resulted in people "waking up," and asking themselves "what's some guy in Brussels doing in my kitchen and bathroom?"

There are parallels between that situation and our own.  It goes without saying that Obama looks, once again, like a blithering idiot as the people of the UK effectively, flipped him AND HillBilly off.

Does it have meaning here?

First, it acts as a model for what can happen here.

In this instance, the EU model part is played by an out-of-control, clueless federal government clamping down on our freedoms.  It can, in fact, extend all the way down to the local level.

Second, HillBilly represents the ideas and the reach of an equally out of control EU.

If the American voter (and their secure vote) WAKE up to how our government is screwing us, stealing our money for their projects and income redistribution and a growing welfare state where foreigners are brought in to take our jobs and steal our money to keep the democrats in power with "stuff," then there is no question that this country is facing a titanic shift to the right.

Locally, the EU types are the leftists and the RINOs who've banded together to get rid of conservatives from government all together.

They may be successful at this point.  But the vote in England gives me hope that the RINO reign will be short-lived and that the insanity gripping the leftist in the GOP will pass and they will shift their allegiance to the democrats where they more properly belong.

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