Friday, June 24, 2016

Thanks to Crain's fake Republican outfit for this handy list of candidates to oppose:

Thanks to fake Republican Carolyn Crain for having her fake Republican group put together this handy list candidates to oppose in the upcoming election:

Understand that if a candidate's name appears here, it's because they've been vetted and found to be as much a RINO as Crain.

State Senator Partisan Office 4-year term
Curtis King Republican

(King is Chair of Senate Transportation and is the one, along with Rivers, primarily responsible for screwing us on the gas tax.  Naturally a leftist like Crain would support him.)

State Representative Pos. 1 Partisan Office 2-year term
Norm Johnson Republican

State Representative Pos. 2 Partisan Office 2-year term
Gina McCabe (Prefers Republican Party)"

State Senator Partisan Office 4-year term
Lynda Wilson, Republican

State Representative Pos. 1 Partisan Office 2-year term
Jerry Oliver, Republican

State Representative Pos. 2 Partisan Office 2-year term
Paul Harris, Republican

State Senator Partisan Office 4-year term
Ann Rivers Republican

(Rivers, of course, most famously lied about her opposition to the gas tax and tab fee increase and then lied about why she did it.  Again, one liar supporting another made this a natural selection for Crain and her RINO crew.)

State Representative Pos. 1 Partisan Office 2-year term
Brandon Vick, Republican

(Vick also voted against the gas tax, but somehow seems to have escaped Rivers' Wrath.  What killed the deal for me was Vick's lies about being assigned to 6 different committees as a reason to re-elected him since he had, effectively, mailed it in for his first two years in office.)

State Representative Pos. 2 Partisan Office 2-year term
Shane A. Bowman, Republican

(Recruited by Rivers to punish Rep. Liz Pike for her vocal opposition to Rivers' efforts to screw us on the gas tax, this moron advocated a 15% tax on food to pay for the stupidity of the McCreary decision.  With a history of imposing taxes and tab fees on the people of Battle Ground, this guy shouldn't be in elective office, period.)

State Representative Pos. 2 Partisan Office 2-year term
Carolyn Crain, Republican

(It's Crain's RINO outfit.  Who else would they endorse?  Not surprisingly, there's no mention of Crain's involvement in this crew, but then ethics have never been her strong suit.

Crain bears responsibility for the 2% property tax increase by strongly supporting my idiotic leftist brother-in-law as county chair and we've all suffered because of it.  She will be crushed, again, and hopefully that will be the last we hear of her.

Note that this moron is also an admin of the ultra-leftist C3G2 fringe left hate group, and she also endorsed Chuckie Green over Julie Olson for county council... not that Olson voted any differently on anything than Green would have, since they were essentially the same person, just in two different bodies.

Note that this thug group also didn't endorse anyone else in the 49th for anything, because SHE wants all the attention and whatever resources might be wasted here.

She has no chance of winning.  And she's unfit to hold elective office.)

COUNCILOR, DISTRICT NO. 3 Partisan Office 4-year term
John Blom, Republican

COUNCILOR, DISTRICT NO. 4 Partisan Office 4-year term
Jennifer McDaniel, Republican

(Both of these people were recruited to silence conservatives and remove any conservative voice from the county council because, you know, a 5-0 RINO vote makes a decision so much MORE of a decision than a 3 - 2 vote.

Boldt is crumbling under the pressure of constantly stomping on the conservative minority, going so far as to break down and cry during council meetings.  And we can't have that, can we?

Blom has bigger things in mind and doesn't care how many bodies he steps on to get to wherever he thinks he's going.  Jennifer is being used as a tool by leftists, who are flocking to this effort with money and support as if these two had the letter "D" after their names.

Follow the money.)

COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 2 Nonpartisan Office 6-year term
Nancy Barnes

Sorry, Nancy, but your endorsement by these clowns will cause me to vote for whoever runs against you.

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