Thursday, June 09, 2016

I'm sorry, but I have zero sympathy for the Columbian

I'm sorry, but I have zero sympathy for the Columbian, including those who got laid off as a result of their inability to just be a newspaper instead of a leftist propaganda organ.

There are, as I see it, two primary reasons for the inevitable collapse of the rag.

The first is simple: the rag's business model doesn't work anymore.

They want us to pay for that which we can, essentially, get for free in a variety of other sources. 

It's not just this kitty litter liner, however; all papers are doomed to becoming footnotes in history, the only question is at what speed are they going under.

The second reason is certainly tied to the first.  The internet means that where all papers are doomed, the question becomes how do they put off the inevitable?

Here's a clue: what they're doing now is the wrong way, and they're speeding up the process.

The solution?

Fire Lefty Lou and replace him with Kenny Vance.

Yesterday, Gillespie's whining "whoa is me" pity fest attempted to make the continuation of the cancer on our community some sort of moral imperative.

It isn't.

It MIGHT be if they were even-handed, unbiased and treated everyone the same, to the same standard.  It COULD be if all aere equally held accountable instead of just using this platform for the latest leftist local jihad.

The rag has long since ended even a remote glance at non-partisan, unbiased reporting.  The scum running it use it to beat the hell out of opponents and as a mouthpiece for those who support their agenda.

Newspaper reporters are not entitled, under any circumstance, to publish their opinion.  Who gives a damn what those morons think?  And certainly, with a Nazi propaganda minister as editor, how long would any of these slaves remain working there if their political view didn't dovetail with that of Lefty Lou?

Further, they get around that obvious prohibition by providing these clowns with two blogs where they can join with Lefty Lou and beat the hell out of those they are SUPPOSED to be covering for the news.

No bias there, eh?

I no more give a damn for the rag or those who work in it or their families than they give a damn about me or mine.  And certainly, over the years, they've gone out of their way to show me the level of concern they have for me.

Even now, I along with many other conservatives are banned from commenting on their lies and deceit.  I wear it as a badge of honor, frankly.

So, I ask you: why the hell should I care if the place burns down tomorrow?

To show an absurdity to illustrate the point:

Thousands of SS concentration camp workers had families. 

Those in the SS made a choice to become concentration camp workers/guards/executioners.  Those working at the local version of the Völkischer Beobachter (The Nazi Party newspaper) did the same.

No one forces a teacher to become a teacher.  No one forces anyone at the rag to work at the rag.  So, why bitch and moan that you get laid off or you don't get paid enough?

It's not like you didn't know what you were getting yourselves into.  Anyone in college that has journalism as a major is an idiot or has a financial deathwish.  Again, that's their choice.

When WW2 ended and the horrible nature of their crimes of the SS were uncovered for all to see, did anyone give a damn about their wives and kids?

No?  Why not?

These people at the Lazy C are NOT Nazis, but they certainly have been beating this community for years using the Nazi model of telling a lie long enough and loud enough until it becomes the truth... in their minds, anyway.

They were set on hammering this county with billions of dollars of debt for a project they knew damned well the majority of us did not want.  They railed against any cross river transportation solution that did not include loot rail and the I-5 Bridge replacement, two things we do NOT need, while these same scum seek to punish us by doing everything they can to kill any other effort to solve the cross river problem, all the while sitting on their hands and offering NOTHING in terms of solutions themselves.

For years, they've demanded higher taxes on everyone but themselves, basking in the glow of their own, personal, B&O tax cut while the rest of small business suffers.

For years, they've let their friends, typically leftist but some, like Ann Rivers claiming to be Republican, off the hook for their lies and corruption while going out of their way to attack, on a personal level, all those who stand up to them.

Reporters have lied, misquoted, exaggerated or flat out got it wrong because they don't know what journalism is.  And as a result, we've suffered and wasted tens of millions of dollars on projects THEY wanted that WE didn't.

So, no.  The reality is that the rag will be mourned by the fringe-left choir... but the rest of us will celebrate their demise, which, while inevitable, came at a much faster pace due to the clueless ownership and the, essentially, evil operation of Lou Brancaccio.

If a newspaper-type function for this area is actually viable, the Democratian's demise will leave a hole that someone else can and will fill.  But I will not mourn them.  Instead, I will only wish their demise happened sooner.

As for those laid off?

You made your bed.  Now sleep in it.

No one made you work there.  No one made you become an enabler for this disgrace to the science of journalism.  That was all on you.

Live with it.

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