Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Democratian circling the drain?

I was thrilled to get the following:
Katie Gillespie  1 hr 
My heart is breaking today. My employer, The Columbian, has announced layoffs company wide. I am currently sitting in a Clark County Council meeting, and frankly, it sounds like the conversation about grant applications and fish recovery is coming from under water. Talented reporters -- my friends -- are losing their jobs. I've seen too many of these types of Facebook posts or tweets to know that me getting on a soap box and telling you to support local journalism doesn't exactly work. But I have to try. When local newspapers suffer, so too does the community. As the political climate of this town grows increasingly ugly, know that the absence of a watch dog in Clark County hurts all of us. Please keep us in your thoughts, and more importantly, buy a newspaper.
On the contrary to Gillespie's assertion, the destruction of this insidious black hole would be of major benefit to all of SW Washington.

For years now, I have described the rag as the "Cancer on our Community," as well as the "Pravda Izvestia" (The Communist Party Newspaper of the old Soviet Union)   and the Lazy C.

The reality is they lack even the pretense of evenhandedness and have since I moved here.

When they have an agenda, they attack anyone and everyone who opposes them, singling them out, insulting them and attacking their character or allowing others to do so.

They lie, exaggerate, misrepresent and play one side against another.  The editor, Lying Lefty Lou Brancaccio, has become the head of a shadow government and local RINO's are kissing both his ring and his ass to make sure he takes care of them in the upcoming election cycle.

Ultimately, the responsibility for this debacle rests with Scott Campbell, the owner.  No doubt, he was the one who had to pull the trigger on this.

But I do wonder: how is it that he can figure out why so few of the people in this area are willing to buy his rtag?  What's the problem?  How can he fix it?

Well, he can start by firing Brancaccio.

Until he does that, his rag, already circling the drain, has zero chance of survival.

Thank God.

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