Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Lew Waters endorsement of CCRINOs.

Lew Waters is pissed.  And so are his politics.

I freely admit I have been angered by those who would screw us; the corrupt, the arrogant, the unresponsive, the out-and-out liars in office.

But I base my conclusions on the evidence and I act accordingly.  I am not beholden to anyone for anything when I write and I do not allow my personal emotions to interfere with my conclusions.

Lew, however, is not so constrained.

I responded to Lew by telling him that yeah, Lew, your support of those two RINOs, McDaniel and Blom, is because we need 5-0 votes against conservatives instead of 3-2 votes.

Lew's only response was to state the obvious: that I can feel free to vote for someone else.  And this is my response to that:
I am, Lew.  My response was to point out the over-riding fallacy of your position. 
Stifling any conservative voice of any kind on the council is the CCRINO way.  They want to be in lock-step as much as Stalin's Central Committee of Supreme Soviet. 
The reality is clear: we have no room for the politics of emotion and now, you would advocate that those who are making this county suffer... as the 3 Stooges are making us suffer... should be strengthened by non-responsive, arrogant, superior mutts who have proven they could care less what the people of this county want because your nose is bent out of shape. 
That's your privilege.  But your support lacks substance to the extent that what these people will do and are doing to us is no different than a democrat/leftist controlled council would do to us.  And that doesn't seem to bother you in the least as long as you can stick it to Madore. 
I have communicated with both Blom and McDaniel.  And when they finally... FINALLY got around to responding to me... (it took weeks... their excuse was how "busy" they were, as if that IS an excuse or as if I am unaware of what goes on in a campaign) all they could talk about was how important it was that they always vote with the majority. 
And if they're going to be that non-responsive during a campaign... what makes you think they'd be any better in office? 
No... that isn't what they said... but that's what they meant.  Because one thing these CCRINO types have in common is that they can't seem to talk about what they want to do for us in terms of cutting taxes, cutting the bloat of government, increasing the number of bridges across the river, fixing infrastructure related issues that their opponents haven't or won't address... no... the thing they have in common is that they pledge nothing because they don't want to be held accountable by anyone. 
Their only issue isn't that they have a better vision, a better plan; a more efficient, responsive and cheaper construct of government... no... it's that they're RINOs.  Jennifer's fake "moderate conservative" garbage comes to mind, one of the worst oxymorons in politics, though since my idiot brother-in-law used it, I get why she is now.  
That's the kind of government you want?  Knock yourself out.  But ANY OTHER PERSONAL ISSUE ASIDE, I cannot EVER support people who are running entirely because they don't "like" someone without offer ANY substantive POLICY differences or ideas that justifies their candidacy.  And neither of these two have, save for silencing the conservative perspective... which they would do brilliantly. 
Few have publicly gone after anyone in this county when they've been wrong as much as I have.  I point out corruption, arrogance, personal animus and everything else politicians are hated for.  And the irony of it all is that I haven't had much to say over the past few years about the democrats... it's mostly been the R's... alleged and otherwise, who are doing the will of the democrats while they keep their skirts clean.
The red flag in all of this is the Jimmy Mains, Noland Hoshino, Temple Lentz involvement in all of this.  They're running the CCRINO show, and the supporters of these people have been writing checks to leftists for years... but that doesn't seem to cause you any concern whatsoever. 
It does me. 
Follow the money, Lew.  And even you know where it leads: to this below-the-surface effort of the left to reestablish control over the local government organizations that run this county.  And you're playing right into their hands.  And you don't give a damn as long as they take out Madore. 
Go you.

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