Saturday, June 11, 2016

Carolyn Crain gets it right between the eyes.

Carolyn Crain seems a tad upset.

Besides having a less than zero chance of winning any election to anything, let alone in the 49th, Crain, who has screwed the entirety of this county, seems a tad bit upset with the newly adopted CCGOP rules concerning who is... and who isn't... an actual Republican... or at least a Republican the party will support.

Regular readers are aware that Crain has done all she can to trash the local party, including setting up a fake GOP organization to get RINOs and those of the Marc Boldt ilk elected... and we all know what a GREAT job HE'S done screwing us.

So, over on her favorite haunt, the fringe-left C3G2 hate group, she's over there asking for a lawyer to do... what, exactly... I'm not sure... to act against the local party organization for implementing these rules.

She wrote this garbage over there:
Anybody know where I can get a lawyer?
 The voters in this county who identify as Republicans just had their county party violate its own organizational bylaws and usurp their power of their votes!
Now, I'm not sure how what happened happened, but the idea that she could screw the entirety of the GOP in this county by endorsing democrats and working to get them elected WITHOUT consequence just confirms how delusional she is.

She bears some responsibility for Marc Boldt, much like all of our local RINO contingent does, for the idiocy and higher taxes that his election guaranteed.

And now sher's going to snivel?

For light entertainment, go on over there and read this crap and see for yourself.

Here's her post:

And it's her sniveling about it over on the hate group:

Clark County Citizens for Good Governance

Carolyn Crain shared her post.

Anybody know where I can get a lawyer?
The voters in this county who identify as Republicans just had their county party violate its own organizational bylaws and usurp their power of their votes!

Carolyn Crain19 hrsVancouver, WA
Our county party is violating our county party bylaws as voted on by our county party pco body! We must take action and regain the control of our party! 
This letter was recieved[sic] today... It is a DIRECT VIOLATION of the bylaws as I have copied for you here:
Section 1. By a majority vote of the CCRCC, the CCRP can either “Endorse”, “Oppose,” or take a “No Position,” on Candidates for Non-Partisan offices, Bonds, Initiatives, Referendums, and any other item to appear on a ballot not otherwise defined by the rules of the State or County party. If a vote is taken but is insufficient to pass, then the official party position will be “No Position” by default.
Section 2. In a primary election the CCRP shall only take a “No Position” position on races contested by more than one Republican.
Section 3. In a primary election, provided only one Republican candidate is running for office, a candidate may be “Endorsed” by;
a) The CCRP by majority vote at a duly called CCRCC meeting.
b) A Legislative District Committee by majority vote of the PCOs within the same Legislative District at a duly called Legislative District meeting.
Section 4. In a general election, a candidate may be “Endorsed” by;
a) The CCRP;
(1) by majority vote at a duly called meeting of the CCRCC provided only one Republican candidate is running for office, or;
(2) by a ¾ supermajority vote at a duly called meeting of the CCRCC.
b) A Legislative District Committee;
(1) by a majority vote of the PCOs within the same Legislative District at a duly called Legislative District meeting providing only one Republican candidate is running for the office, or;
(2) by a ¾ supermajority vote at a duly called Legislative District meeting.
Section 5. Endorsements for Republican candidates given in the primary election shall be applicable to the general election.
Section 6. Endorsements for Republican candidates may be removed by a majority vote of the body that gave the endorsement at a duly called meeting of the body.
Apparently, this nimrod is unaware that with a majority or 2/3rds vote, any rule or rules can be suspended at any time, depending on when the vote is taken (2/3rds all the time except for reorganization, if memory serves.)

Here's a copy f the letter the GOP Chair sent out:
From: "kenny smith" <>
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 2:57:39 PM
Subject: Process to gain access to Clark County Republican Party resources 
June 10, 2016 
Carolyn Crain 
Candidate for 49th LD Representative 
Dear Carolyn, 
We are very pleased to announce that the Clark County Republican Party is undertaking development of a candidate vetting process. Unfortunately it will not be available in time for evaluating this year’s candidates. As a temporary measure on June 1st the executive board elected to institute a temporary vetting process to determine candidate eligibility to receive access to party resources. This temporary process ends at the conclusion of the current board’s term of office at the next reorganization meeting, currently scheduled for December 3, 2016. 
This means that in order for you to receive access to party resources, based on your responses to the attached survey, we must evaluate and approve your level of support for the Core Principles of the party and the Platform recently passed at our March 12, 2016 County Convention. Both the Core Principles and the County Platform have been posted on our website,, since their adoption. 
The survey is limited to the adopted Core Principles and Platform Planks. There is no expectation that any candidate will be in 100% agreement with every statement as written, hence the opportunity to add your comments. It is not likely, however, that the executive board would approve a candidate that was in broad disagreement with the Principles or Platform, or a candidate who professes support yet has made public pronouncements to the contrary. 
Please complete the attached fillable form stating agreement with each Principle or Platform Plank, or an explanation of your divergence with the adopted position. As stated in the Purpose section of the platform: “We dedicate time, talent, and efforts to electing those candidates who represent these principles and commit to implementing them into public policy.” Having candidates affirm their position relative to these principles is the responsible action we can take as an executive board to protect the Republican brand and to protect the precious resources that the donors have so generously provided for our mission. 
Please complete the form and return to me at your earliest convenience. We look forward to serving you. 
Kenny Smith
Clark County Republican Party

She has no case.  Nor does she have the common sense of a board fence.

Here's the remarks from her fellow fringe-left posse:

Thom Rasmussen I don't know all the ins and outs of running for office but in my estimation, I'd say they were trying to "stick it to you". So to speak.
Like120 hrs
Carolyn Crain Me and Paul and Lynda and Ann and Brandon. They are toast. They are trying to claim this isn't an endorsement policy change. BS. Support is the PURPOSE of an endorsement!
Bridget McLeman Carolyn Crain Just State? what about Blom, McDonnell et al? What about Bowman? Anyway .... I feel your pain - when something you treasured and believed turns round and stabs you in the solar plexus it's like losing an old friend. This just Clark County?
Like119 hrs
Thom Rasmussen Seems like they are saying if you don't tow the line, they will pull all support, no questions asked. I wouldn't bet the farm on their support.
Like219 hrs
Carolyn Crain Bridget McLeman Yes it is this county party leadership. Lisa Ross just tried to say this wasn't a change to endorsements at all. BULL. The purpose of an endorsement is support of the candidate through finances and labor and email addresses and phone lists.
Like119 hrsEdited
Bridget McLeman Carolyn Crain Well, I'd really rely on her for by law interpretation, right.
Like319 hrs
Heath Coop The CCRP has been bending their own rules for some time now, but this a blatant disregard for written policy.
Like219 hrs
Chris Prothero Would the state governing body do anything?
Carolyn Crain Chris Prothero The state tries like heck to not be a top down organization and allow the pco's to control the county party out of respect of the voters will.
Chris Prothero You all might get together and send a joint letter, perhaps with the hint of litigation.
Carolyn Crain Chris Prothero That is what my call to action is about but I do need the name of a good attorney. The voters matter.
Chris Prothero Wish I had a name for you. 😕
Like119 hrs
Sarah Idriss Miller Chin up Carolyn. Don't let them get away with this.
Like113 hrs
Sue Lintz Now you know why I'm an Independent.
Like519 hrs
Melissa Smith I just don't get it. I will stay Independent as well.
Like219 hrs
Cindy Camp Dobbs You are in the wrong party
Like319 hrs
Steve McGillis I'm a pretty solid D, Carolyn, but I feel for all of us with what has to be the demise of the local Republican party. You guys have to find a way to retake your party.
Like519 hrs
Carolyn Crain It is imperative because no republic functioning as a democratic process can sustain a one party control system for very long. History proves its failures in that arena.
Like619 hrs
Steve McGillis I agree.
Like119 hrs
Nathan J. Bardue This socialist agrees.
Greg Morris Rather than follow the law, they would, as usual, try to get away with what they can until they get caught then claim the system is rigged against them. That darn "liberal bias" that laws, rules, and facts have.
Like319 hrs
Carolyn Crain Well they are a registered organization with bylaws. That makes them legally bound to them and there are RCW's which govern that as well. I believe that they should be sued.
Greg Morris I'm not disagreeing, just finding it funny that they violate clear rules / bylaws but ignore them because it doesn't fit what they want to do now. Kinda like Drumpf ridiculing the judge that interprets and enforces the laws that he broke in some kind of redirection away from his actual previous crimes. Who wants to be held to the letter of the law / rules they agreed to in the past?
Like117 hrsEdited
Carolyn Crain I understand.
Bridget McLeman Those dang Robert's Rules of Order get in the way too.
Debbie Nelson A lawyer? Brent Boger? Brian Wolfe?
Carolyn Crain I was trying not to involve Brent as he is trying to run for PCO
Thom Rasmussen Isn't there someone in the State or Federal party offices that oversees this kind of thing or are they bought off as well?
Rachel Richardson Niten Brent could probably give you names though?
Like17 hrs
Debbie Nelson Carolyn Crain I was serious about suggesting Brian W. He is a good lawyer and used to be chair of the local GOP, so he would be familiar with the rules.
Like17 hrs
Fran Hammond Carolyn Crain - If I knew that someone was running for PCO in my district, my party, that was willing to right a wrong I would be much MORE likely to vote for them!
Like16 hrs
Carolyn Crain Fran Hammond Brent is trying to help right the wrongs by running for the seat. Power is in the pco as elected by the people. The voice of the people and their needs are the very upmost in importance. He will be in this mess up to his eyeballs and it won't be pleasant but it will be successful because of people like him!
Like26 hrs
Karen Swanson Krajewski Carolyn Crain, may I share you post with your comments included? I really think this needs to be spread to everyone who identifies as a republican in CC. Posting it on this page is preaching to the choir. We can't put it in a letter to the editor because it's too long. We need to put it on our public FB pages. May I share this?
Like27 hrsEdited
Carolyn Crain Absolutely. Most Republicans would never agree to the egregious actions of this board and they just do not know it is going on.
Like26 hrs

Crain's sniveling to the local leftist hate group is just another reason to disqualify her from GOP support of the many reasons that exist.

"Tough titty, said the kitty to the cow... cause the kitty didn't like the cow's milk."

Or something.

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