Saturday, June 11, 2016

Crain pegs the irony meter

Carolyn also gets the irony award:
Carolyn Crain Katja is part of the problem here. She was one of those who promoted the ability to lie and it be okay when running for delegate. I do not trust people who think that it is perfectly fine to lie. They lack a moral compass.
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Carolyn Crain Furthermore there have been letters and facebook posts and emails to let us know that they are gunning for us. I even had Lewis Gerhardt tell me he would work very hard to see that I DO NOT win my election. This is part of that process and is geared against Jaime, Ann, Lynda, Brandon, Paul and myself. They only want Libertarian/republicans of the Madore brand elected or they want the deconstruction of the Republican Party. That is their puristic goal. To heck with truth, honor or representation of the people who do not agree with their narrow little mindset.
All this from the woman who set up the fake GOP organization and who did her best to get a democrat county chair elected: namely, Marc Boldt.
Needs to find a mirror and take a long, hard look in it.
And fringe leftist BS Morris chiming in for Carolyn here doesn't help her case.

And of course, it's not a problem for Ann Rivers to do everything SHE can to keep Liz Pike from getting reelected, right?

Hypocrite much, Crain?

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