Monday, June 06, 2016

Filing campaign complainst against Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers... Chapter 3.

Right this second, today, if you were to check Sen. Rivers' PDCs, you would see that she hasn't filed anything since December 15, 2015 when it comes to campaign donations.

This is about 6 months or so since she's picked up a penny for her campaign.

Does anyone think that to be remotely possible?

Other incumbents in the Legislature have received thousands of dollars in donation since the close of session.  Rivers hasn't?

Here's the order of donations off her PDC's... most recent first.

As you might expect, as a wholly owned subsidiary of the pot industry, that's the last donation she has received that she's reported.

You mean to tell me that no one else has sent her a dime?

I find that hard to believe considering all the special interests who own her.  Hiow else would they stay in her good graces?

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