Thursday, May 05, 2016

The self-delusion of the #NeverTrumpers.

Months ago, it became clearer and clearer that Trump was going to be the guy.

He was resurrected more times than the 9 people in the Bible (including Lazarus) from being pronounced dead... and in the end, he did what I knew he would do: he won it all.

But for many, for whatever the reason, their hatred of the man continues.

They claim that he can't beat the Wicked Witch of the East, aka HillBilly and when I see those claims, I've got to ask myself: is their hatred forcing them to ignore the political reality?

Some look at some (self-serving) polls today as if they can't be moved or changed.  I, on the other hand, have watched the most stunning political upset in this country at LEAST since Appalachian State beat Michigan (football) in Ann Arbor.

Every foot along the way, the naysayers were gathered along the pathway telling us there was no way... NO WAY... that Trump could win.

I, on the other hand, saw something quite different.

I felt the same way at the very first as the naysayers.  I thought Trump was a joke... a buffoon... a never-was.

But then, I began to pay attention... close attention... and I saw something politically miraculous begin to happen: Trump was doing almost everything right... while the establishment types were doing almost everything wrong.

He had a rough start... he made rookie mistakes... he likely ignored at least some advice, particularly when it came to campaign architecture.

But then he hit his stride and his entire campaign became a thing of beauty on a strategic level.

He played the media like a violin.  He was incessantly politically incorrect.  He came out in opposition to almost everything the Establishment cherished and the GOP base loved him for it.

For the haters, it was a reflection of that line from the movie "Gladiator,"
Gracchus: Fear and wonder, a powerful combination.
Falco: You really think people are going to be seduced by that?
Gracchus: I think he knows what Rome is. Rome is the mob. Conjure magic for them and they'll be distracted. Take away their freedom and still they'll roar. The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the senate, it's the sand of the coliseum. He'll bring them death - and they will love him for it.
The end result?

Those who oppose(d) Trump have determined that their way forward is to belittle, insult,  attack, characterize and then claim defeat for Trump even before the contest takes place.

For one, it's "I'm a #NeverTrump, and when he loses, I'll be around to tell you I told you so."

For others, having reached the conclusion that they hate Trump for whatever the reason, they now intend to do all they can to make sure he loses... not because Hillary would be better, but because they've stuck their necks out and want the outcome they want regardless.

The irony here is that the GOP put up a cast of 16 candidates, including at least one (Little Jebbie) a RINO who had been ordained as the candidate apparent, and he masterfully defeated them all.

For some, that is simply unacceptable.

Well, it has become acceptable for me.

My conclusion is based ENTIRELY on my quite defensible, professional judgment.

Earlier, I had indicated that I would not support anyone BUT Trump... if... IF... he lost the nomination through Establishment hi-jinks, ala the way the democrats are screwing Sanders.

Had Cruz won this straight up; most delegates, most popular votes... I would have rabidly supported him.

But it became clear several months ago that Trump was going to be the guy... and the idiocy of the Establishment doing all they could to oppose him only HELPS him in this campaign.... his distance from the Establishment works to his ADVANTAGE, even in the general election... as it serves to help keep his "political outsider" persona in tact and in play.

Clearly, the left is enamored of Bernie's outsider persona, and Hillary is cursed with the consummate insider shtick.

But there is no question of the Establishment's hatred of Trump.  And that will play well all across the political spectrum.

I believe Trump will win.  Hillary has an entire Samsonite Factory of luggage hanging around her neck and Trump can bury her with it.

Those whining about Trump winning the nomination and remaining bent on his defeat are deliberately overlooking Hillary's massive vulnerabilities.

And there is no question that they'd rather be right than have Trump as president.

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