Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Cruz croaks.

I warned... repeatedly... that the only way for Trump to be taken out was to co-opt Trump's positions.

Eleven months ago, I wrote this:
So, what do the (Trump polling) numbers mean?

It's a fair warning to the GOP Establishment and RINO's everywhere.

A growing number of us are way past checking the box next to a RINO.  And millions of us will sit it out if he isn't the nominee... precisely like you RINO/moderate types would sit it out of Ted Cruz/Ben Carson/or others along those lines... including Donald Trump... were the nominee.

The message is clear.  Change course.  Change direction.  Grow a set of balls on the issues that matter to the American people: stop kowtowing to the illegal alien lobby because those who hold their vote hostage to that lobby will never vote GOP ANYWAY.  Pledge to take steps against the so-called sanctuary cities.  Come up with and campaign on the obvious strategies to get rid of illegals.  Empower local law enforcement to actually enforce our laws.... and completely defund those cities, counties and states who refuse.

If we stop making America the illegal destination resort, they'll stop coming here.


If you're going to sell us out in the name of political expediency, then at least pick up the $20 bill on the dresser on your way out.
Kinda looks like I was right about that, given Cruz bowing to the inevitable.

But I warned everyone... and as time went on, it became even more obvious... that if they didn't take this obvious step concerning Trump's policies, this was the inevitable outcome.

Some, of the more ignorant variety... stupidly don't believe that Trump can't take HillBilly  out.

That's absurd, of course: it's a perspective driven by the hatred of Trump and those pissed off by their gut (or woman) losing to him.

I have a different view.

Hillary is waiting to get slaughtered.  And absent some humongous skeleton in Trump's closet (on the order of axe murder, for example) he IS going to take her out.

Anyone reading this already knows why.  The shift towards Trump isn't just that of those in the GOP, but it's also independents and, of course, those who loathe Hillary in Bernie's camp.

It's Reaganesque in it's width and breadth, and obvious to those who look beyond their own bias and prejudice.

I'll revisit this the day after the election.  And I will be 100% right... or 100% wrong.

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