Sunday, April 10, 2016

The infection of hatred.

The other day, I was out to dinner with my lovely bride when an acquaintance came by our table to chat.

We talked about a variety of things... and they then started telling us about their most recent Easter Dinner they had attended... which included my mother-in-law, Judy.

As things turned out, conversation around the table turned to politics.

And when things turn to politics... well, when my MIL is around, that means things turn to talking about me.

Understand that I have no talked with my MIL in the better part of 7 years.  But to quote the bard, "that bitch is psycho."

It's an interesting family dynamic.  For example, my wife's ex-husband is treated like a member of the family.  "Mom" even went so far as to pay for his lawyer's effort to stop paying child support because of MY income... which is not allowed in this state (Child Support Law is one of my peculiar areas of expertise).

Imagine.  My wife's own mother paying for a lawyer so my wife's ex wouldn't have to pay child support for his kids.

To that end, the fact is that until I arrived, she owned her daughters (mt wife and her sister) with her credit cards.

One of the more interesting elements of my relationship with my wife, early on, was her complaints that her mother was attempting to run her life.

After some observation, it became clear to me that she was doing so through the use of her money ("Mom" makes something like $150K per year working for a government agency.)

I began to point this out:  end the money being spent; end the "influence" (control) that goes with it, and you'll end the interference.

It was a rough road to hoe.

Not because my wife didn't pull back from the money (which we didn't need) but because "Mom" saw her influence beginning to slip away.

And guess who she blames for that?

As a result, "Mom" became even more obnoxious and interfering.

She began to outwardly express disapproval at how we were raising the kids.  She went out and bought my wife's ex a double wide and set him up in a mobile home park local to our house in the school district so, when, according to her plan, the kids decided to run away from home and live with their dad, they could keep going to the same school.

Meanwhile, I stayed out of the way of my wife's ongoing relationship with her mom.  After all, it IS HER mom.

But I also stayed away from those people.

Even a dog knows when he's hated.

And then, of course, things started heating up on the political front.

But by then (2012) I hadn't spoken to any of the family more than 60 seconds in the prior 4 years.

Regular readers know I despise Marc Boldt's record of governance since he was elected to county commissioner and got bought like a loaf of bread.

He has long since forgotten his role as a GOP conservative and now outdemocrat the democrats.

And has... for years.

But my political opposition to Boldt has resulted in yet another straw on the camel's back that is my mother-in-law.

Her hatred of me has intensified and amplified, and is running neck and neck with her hatred of David Madore which has gone way beyond psychotic.

Meanwhile, this formerly hardcore Christian woman has become the hypocrite's hypocrite.

Goes to church.  Sings the hymns.  Lives in a world of hatred.

It infects every element of the relationship between her and her daughter, who is being held responsible for MY actions.... and she and those who think like she does have a great deal to say about me... just not to my face.

My wife is an amazing woman.  She is finding astounding levels of personal and professional success.

And her mother's world of hatred aimed at me, precludes "Mom's" involvement in any of it.

Meanwhile, the family, which has always ignored me (Fine... I'm not particularly family oriented, having lost most of mine years ago due to death and stroke and so forth) and typically trashes me at gatherings where, of course, I'm not around.

And in so doing, they also trash their own daughter.

My wife's sister has left her husband.  She moved out of the house quite some time ago from what I hear.

Likely they'll continue to remain married because Marc gets full, essentially free, benefits as a county employee, like health care.

And the optics would be very bad for Marc, considering what a nutjob HE'S become...

But that's the world of hatred that he revels in.  And that of his mother-in-law as well.

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