Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The fallacy of Brancaccio's response to the RINO gathering in today's democratian.

Here's the thing, you see:  The bias of Lefty Lou is well known; well established, provable to any fair court of public opinion.

With a year's long record of vitriol, lies, exaggeration, flips and covering for his fellow leftists, the reality of his history is clear:

If he "likes" you, he "likes" you.  And if you share in his personal agenda and perspective and you're an elected official, he's GOING to "like" you.

If you oppose his vision or his printed perspective, you make his enemies list and are subjected to both public... and non-public, efforts at bullying you individually.

Character assassination is his stock-in-trade.  His incessant bleating of a false neutrality is as honest and genuine as those who shilled the cancer of the county charter... and their equally incessant bleating for months of the lie that it had nothing to do with Madore and was all about "good governance."

Well, with the property tax increase people like Olson/Green have smacked us upside the head with, do you FEEL better "governance?"

The elected officials and wannabees who showed up to Lou's parlor should have known better.  Now, the question of true motivation for what Lou says or doesn't say in his cancer of our community will always be even more suspect.  And given the record of these five, they are clearly guilty until proven innocent.

Guilty of attempting to curry favor.  Guilty of their efforts to hammer conservatives by, in some cases, actively recruiting and supporting RINOs running against conservative incumbents.

Brancaccio's effort this morning was to be expected.  Covering himself is what he does best, since he never makes mistakes, never shows bias, never acts like a bully needing his ass kicked...

In HIS world.

His excuse column is utterly lame, in that we have been subjected to this variety of idiocy before.  And if it was such a great idea, then why is it that no one to the right of Mao was asked to attend?

While I get that Lefty is Lefty's biggest fan, the reality is that a blind man could see this in a minute: Lefty's job, such as it is, SHOULD include the requirement that he avoid even the appearance of conflict or bias.  But his biases have been the guiding like of the local version of Pravda Izvestia for years now, mostly without consequence... so if he thought about it at all, he though "why not?  What the hell?  No one's going to say or do anything about it."

Of COURSE Lefty is going to right a column excusing it.  This, from the same clown who cheerled for the CRC/Loot Rail rip off for a decade, attacking, belittle and insulting those who had a different view, even acknowledging that the project stunk and then going on to effectively tell us we should just shut up and support it ANYWAY.

But that he was forced to address it brings up the tried and true political axiom:  "If you're explainin... you're losing."

Lefty is a "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" kind of guy.  And frankly, if he told me it was daylight outside, I'd have to look for myself.

What do we expect him to do.... tell the truth?

But the reality is that this is an OBVIOUS conflict of interest.  And no amount of Lefty-applied lipstick to that pig changes that fact.

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