Monday, March 14, 2016

Political fear.

It's a been a long time since this sort of thing has kept me awake at night.

The last time was during the Chicago riots in 68.

I was a teenager then... 13 or so, to be precise.

I didn't understand.  All I knew was people were pissed.

Now, a tad older, I get it.  And the question becomes this: how far away are we as a nation from open warfare?

Chicago was the first step.  There's more... much more to come as years of leftists are unleashed from our colleges and universities with their brains squeaky-clean washed by the leftist professors programming them.

These are the natural results of years and years of inculcation and a failure of the American Right to push back.

What happened in Chicago was a disaster for democracy.  Those responsible... those who paid for it, planned it and supervised it, need to be hunted down and imprisoned.

Hypocrites that they are... it's difficult to imagine what the response from the left would be if those to the right of Mao took the same tact.

At some point, these scum are going to amp it up.

At some point, they will not be satisfied with merely silencing those wise enough to oppose them.

And then, of course, retaliation will become the soup de jour.  They've silenced our candidates, we will now silence theirs.

They spilled our blood, we're going to spill theirs.

That worthless turd of a president could do something to put a stop to this merely by holding those behind it accountable.

But he doesn't give a damn and, of course, if anything, he supports the actions of those who would trample on the rights of the American people by using the Constitution and the 1st Amendment as their own, personal, roll of toilet paper.

ow far away are we from a sea of blood?  How far away are we from running those who blamed Trump for the Chicago debacle out of town on a rail?

That, you see, is the exact, precise kind of insanity that blames guns for murder.

Now more than ever, it becomes imperative to go buy weapons and ammunition.  We should also pray that we never need use them, but we've already scene fists swinging and the bigotry and hatred from the left.

How long do we put up with it?  And how long do we turn the other cheek?

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