Monday, March 14, 2016

Kasich: quintessential RINO out democrating the democrats... committing political suicide?

Kasich Goes All-In For Amnesty: Illegals 'Made In Image Of Lord'...

'Very important part of our society'...

Vows amesty within 100 DAYS if elected...

One of the many reasons to despise RINOs on the political level is their use of party labels as an election tool.

Here's the thing: if you call yourself a Republican... but you vote like a democrat... does that mean what you are is how you vote... instead of how you label yourself?

Locally, my brother-in-law is a case in point.

When I knew him and worked for him, he was the Republican's Republican.

A hard corps conservative who ALWAYS voted his conservative principles... the kind of guy that Brent "RINO" Boger would call "rigid" and who, in his efforts to saddle us with a non-conservative, sent out a lertter signed by 4 fellow RINOs effectively asking us to ignore Boldt's prior voting record as if it didn't exist and vote for him as a matter of faith, more or less.

Did that impact?  Who knows?  But what anyone paying attention DOES know is that since Boldt was re-elected, he has voted precisely the same way his democrat opponent, Mike Dalesandro, would have voted had he been elected.

Precisely, come to think of it, the way I said he would.

And while Boldt has held the position of Republican PCO since 2012, being the petulant jerk he is, he's doing so to keep other actual Republicans from holding the seat and actively working in the party since Boldt himself has failed to even attend any of the PCO meetings/conventions/dinners or other activities in the 4 years he's held the job... the most recent convention notwithstanding.

He ran for office as a non-Republican.  He's governed as a fringe-leftist, along with the other 2 stooges, Olson/Green and Stewart.

Does that mean Boldt is a Republican?

I don't think so.

His apologists in the CCRINOs want us to THINK he's a Republican, but one wonders: would that slimeball have been elected dog catcher now if the voters knew he was going to govern this way?

No more than they would have voted for Rivers had she ran on a platform of raising the gas tax and tab fees while cutting us out of the equation by keeping us from voting.

Which brings us to the main RINO running for the GOP nomination: Gov. John Kasich.

Kasich was never on my island because of his RINO positions.  His statement today... that he would even go beyond HillBilly, Sanders and Obama by somehow granting amnesty... apparently, quite unilaterally... (Presidents, as Obama has shown, do not need Congress to do anything... and after all, the GOP-controlled Congress has been Obama's bitch ever since they got the job) goes to the heart of the matter: which is that like most RINOs, Kasich simply doesn't give a damn what the American people want... to the extent that he, like so many RINOs, would rather disembowel himself than do the will of the people he would govern.

And that, in a nutshell, is why I despise RINOs.  They're the fake Republican version of democrats like Steve Stuart who simply superimpose their agenda over that of the people going in, knowing that what they're doing is not the will of the people and that they simply do not care what we want.

I'm reminded of that moronic fake quote of Greg Jayne's the other day... the one he butchered from Jefferson.
The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers and be capable of reading them.”
Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787
(The boldfaced parts being the deliberately-left-out-parts by Jayne in his self-flagellation editorial on March 6.)
The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right..."
If you closely examine the RINO philosophy, they typically ignore this critical element of governance: from Boldt to Stuart to the 3 Stooges to Obama and now to Kasich: what the people of this county and this country want is of no concern to them.

Kasich's pronouncement, that he would send a plan to Congress that would result in amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens here now, goes to the heart of the matter.  It was stupid ploy to get the illegal alien vote, which rarely goes GOP, and it flies in the face of what Americans want now... which is part of the reason that Trump seems to be ahead almost everywhere.

I have already determined that I'm as willing to vote for Kasich as the Establishment RINOs are to vote for Trump and like so many of them, I refuse to do so; if Kasich is somehow the nominee I WILL vote for whoever the democrat is first.

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