Sunday, March 13, 2016

Merkel gets clobbered in elections: gets killed on her idiotic muslum policy.

As I expected at the time, Merkel will likely not survive the insane policies she slammed into place that has resulted in hundreds, if not thousands of sexual assaults and masses of other crimes and thoughtless acts along with a turbo-charged version of the entitlement attitude so many on the left are cursed with and cursing US with.

The reason I mention this is two-fold:  The left in this country thinks allowing these scum to come over here is just a dandy plan.

The morons at the town hall meeting in Battle Ground where Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers repeatedly shot herself in the foot attempting to justify her betrayal of the people of this district on her gas tax rip off were a bizarre example of that variety of ignorant "group-think."

Well, in addition to that stupidity, there were a group of gun grabbing ignorants there who, I swear to God, actually believed that these slime would be so grateful to be here that they'd be MODEL citizens.

I pointed out that of the two scum who slaughtered their coworkers in San Bernardino, one had been checked out checked out by Homeland Security.  Their response was one of the more moronic: one of them said they'd be so grateful to be here that they'd be model citizens.  Another rather stupidly tried to point out the difference between a bride visa and refugee status.

I gt no response when I pointed out that the same department of DHS did the background checks for ALL people coming here... meaning their would be zero difference between those who same some clown because of his crank and those who scam an entire country because they're too cowardly to stay behind and fight for their own country... like we OWE them something.

Good God, how Americans can be so ignorant.  Is it any wonder we're the laughing stock?

Meanwhile, HillBilly and Bernie want open borders for their socialist mecca and they want us to pick up the tab.

I believe they have badly and for them, terribly miscalculated.

The West has been watching in dismay as Europe has been overrun by those who would destroy/rule those people and cheerfully slaughter those who would resist them.

Merkel is only starting to bear the cost for this disaster... a disaster of their/her own making.

Right now, Europe is so unstable, I wouldn't go there for free.

And Merkel is the biggest reason for that.

The result?  The Right is exploding in size over there... and that's all on her.

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