Sunday, November 10, 2013

When Gonzaga gets stupid. Armed students defend themselves from 6 time felon: face expulsion.

Gonzaga has typically had a good reputation for a variety of things... basketball, for example.

But here, apparently, they've decided to get completely stuck on stupid.

I carry a substantial weapon with me everywhere I go.  And if I'm somewhere that it's prohibited by federal law, then I have it close by.

But the idea that I can't go into a movie theater... or a private college campus, or church, or anywhere else unarmed?

I call BS on that.

Those of us who carry legally, as I do, are far less likely to commit crimes then the majority of those carrying ILlegally. 

So, what we had here was a couple of students who, apparently with some level of prescience, had a firearm IN THEIR APARTMENT for obviously needed security.

Thanks to Professor Jacobsen at  for getting this up and running.

Two Gonzaga students alive but facing expulsion because ignored gun-free policy


Posted by    Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 1:12pm
Gonzaga Student Thanks to reader Michael for the heads up about this story.
Gonzaga Students Face Possible Expulsion After Pulling Gun On Home Intruder:
Two Gonzaga students are facing possible expulsion from the University after they pulled a weapon in self defense as a six time felon attempted to get into their on campus apartment. According to the student handbook, students may not possess handguns on campus or university owned property.
On Friday a university discipline board decided to move forward with sanctions, including possible expulsion, for using the weapons. The students will learn in the near future about their future with the school. It all happened late in the night on October 24th when roommates Erik Fagan and Dan McIntosh were hanging out in their university owned apartment. 
At 10:15 Fagan answered the door and was greeted by John Taylor. Taylor is a felon with an extensive criminal history and when he arrived Fagan said Taylor showed him what appeared to be an ankle bracelet as he tried to intimidate him. Fagan said Taylor then demanded money and was frustrated when he was turned down.
Taylor then attempted to force entry into the apartment. At that point McIntosh brandished his pistol. McIntosh has a concealed weapons permit for the gun and did not know it was in violation of policy at the time. Once Taylor saw the gun he left the property. McIntosh said Spokane Police took Taylor into custody after their report because he was wanted on a Department of Corrections warrant. 
KHQ 6 Spokane, North Idaho News
I'm sure that had those students been murdered by this 6 time felon, school officials would have been "upset" or "grief stricken" or something.

But those kids would still be dead.

This kind of stupidity just increases my disdain for our education plant.  It truly takes some high-grade stupidity to punish students defending themselves for, well, defending themselves.

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