Friday, November 29, 2013

Parenting by press-release: Jaime Herrera.

Regular readers know of the well-earned disdain I have for our utterly worthless, and apparently quite clueless, do-nothing in Congress.

The federal equivalent of our own local do-nothing State Representative, Brandon Vick (R-Absent), Herrera, aka "Ridgefield Barbie," has been in elective office for the past 6 years, and seems to have managed to avoid accomplishing anything in any of them.

For several months now, unable to point to any legislative accomplishment of any kind, she's been buffing her "bright, shiny politics" meme of distraction over achievement by using her child as... well... something.

From the very beginning of this drama, Herrera's most intimate moments have been open to all when it comes to her child.  Why?  Why is it any one's business... except for her deliberate decision to use her deathly ill baby for political gain?

Meanwhile, she's thrown us under the Obamacare bus, failed to act on the CRC Scam, even after it's second crushing defeat (Last year, she falsely pledged to be "guided by the outcome of the CTran vote") and sent out a mailer lying about her support of veterans.

Folks, there's a reason her top donors are from a bridge contractor... Kiewit.

And Now, Babs continues to use her child's illness as political accessory... we get a press release that she might make it home before Christmas... and naturally, we'll get a press release that she HAS made it home when she DOES make it home, with all the accompanying publicity that goes with it, as Jaime's people continue to use the media to portray that clueless moron in a sympathetic light.

I despise anyone who would use their child(ren) as accessories... like a purse, or earrings.  Herrera is all that and worse, taking it all to a whole new level.

And I, for one, find it sickening.
November 26, 2013 1:04 pm
A spokesman for southwest Washington Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (BUHT'-lur) says her infant daughter was moved from a hospital to an outpatient facility last week in California, and she could be home in Camas by Christmas. (A "spokesman," a euphamism for Casey Bowman, press release God.)

Herrera Beutler's first child, Abigail Rose Beutler, was born prematurely in July with Potter's Syndrome, a kidney and lung condition that's typically fatal. Abigail has been called a "miracle baby."
She received dialysis treatments at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif., and will eventually need a kidney transplant.
The Columbian reports ( Herrera Beutler has been on leave since the birth, except for a few crucial votes. She plans to resume full-time congressional duties once Abigail is home. Her husband Dan will be the primary caregiver.

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