Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Democratian sets the table for their Leavitt Campaign: "He changed his mind."

As we all knew, the democratian would sell their collective mothers to get the CRC Scam built.

And, as we all know, Tim Leave-it is a lying son-of-a-bitch.

But to Lou Brancaccio,. it's OK if politicians lie... repeatedly... about the main plank of their campaign platform... as long as they lie in the right way, for what Brancaccio believes to be the right reasons.

So, here's the preview of the full-on, screw Bill Turley campaign they're going to run for Leavitt.

First of all, Brancaccio will be endorsing Leavitt.

It doesn't matter that the city council of Vancouver has frequently operated like a clown car under his "leadership," using the term in it loosest sense.  It doesn't matter that they've given a building away to Elle Kasab.  It doesn't matter that the Pollard Hilton continues to be a leach, firmly affixed to the taxpayer jugular.  It doesn't matter that Leave-it tried to screw the entire county over his ballpark scam.

It doesn't matter that he's trying to screw all of SW Washington for his doomed CRC Scam.  It doesn't matter that he's lied, in writing about Sens. Benton and Rivers "supporting tolls."  It doesn't matter that he wants to jack up our gas tax. It doesn't matter that he led the effort to utilize Vancouver's block veto to get his way and to kick Councilor Stewart of the CTran Board. It doesn't matter that he lies about those he disagrees with.  It doesn't matter that he consistently opposes a county-wide vote on this idiocy.

It doesn't matter that her lied, repeatedly, to get elected.

Leave-it supports loot rail NOW, his lack of character, integrity and truthfulness since he started his campaign for mayor?

Ancient news.

He didn't "lie," you see: he changed his mind.  As mayor, the cancer on our community will claim, he suddenly became privileged to mountains of information he DIDN'T have, sitting there on the city council.

And if you believe that, I've got a ballpark to sell you.

Except, thankfully, THAT scam of Leavitt's is now in Hillsboro.
In the top local showdown, we're not surprised to see Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt draw an opponent. He angered many supporters when he changed his mind on tolls after taking office. But after the heavy, seemingly nonstop criticism of Leavitt in recent years, we are surprised he drew only one foe. And even that opponent, City Councilor Bill Turlay, seems to have taken a might-as-well, nobody-else-will approach when filing for the office late Friday. "It just seemed like somebody should be running, that's all," said Turlay in a Saturday Columbian story. Not exactly the most captivating campaign slogan.
Belittling their boy's opposition with snide little remarks.  Trashing Turley every chance they get.  Magnifying every error, while ignoring the volumes of screw-ups Leave-it is responsible for.

Will it matter?

Did it matter in the Mielke race?

1 comment:

Lew said...

It appears Leave-it's lie this time around is going to be lies of omission, considering I find not one word on CRC in his new campaign site.

Too bad for him, we have the video of his many speeches against tolls, his blogsite where he opposed tolls in several posts is still there and I even have some of his flyers from 2009.

Changed his mind?
