Wednesday, May 08, 2013

How would Commissioner Hinton deal with Commissioner Stuart?

Ever since being informed of the impending hire of Sen. Don Benton as County Environmental Services Director, Commissioner Steve Stuart has not only shown himself to be unfit for the Chair of the Board of Clark County Commissioners, he has shown himself to be unfit for elective office period.

Regular readers know the story, so I won't rehash it.  The question now is this: what to do?

1.  Yesterday ended any effectiveness Stuart may have had during the 19 months he has remaining in office.

If he's moronic enough to run for re-election, he should already know that the outcome for him would be the same as the outcome for fellow democrat Marc Boldt: in short, he will be crushed.

2.  Stuart's disrespect and hatred of both Mielke and Madore know no bounds.  His petulant announcement that he had personally seen Commissioners Madore and Mielke discuss the issue of changing the agenda around before the meeting and that he, Stuart, was going to file an ethics complaint against the both of them was both unforgivable and unnecessary, and was only done to further inflame the mob he and the Columbian had worked so hard to whip up.

3.  Combined with his childish behavior and profane outburst when he was informed of the Benton hiring, and further combined with his idiocy of using his Facebook to publicly humiliate his fellow Commissioner, he has shown a distinct lack of any ability to leave his partisanship behind and his inability to even act like an adult confirms that he not only shouldn't be a county commissioner, he shouldn't be allowed in the county building.

A.  As a county commissioner, I would move to remove Stuart form the chairmanship of board.  His actions over the last week have shown him incapable of leading a boy scout troop.

B.  And as a county commissioner, I would strive to work with my fellow commissioner to insure that Commissioner Stuart never had another piece of legislation or policy decision passed again.  During his remaining time on the Board, I would interact with this clown character as little as humanely possible.

C.  I would do everything legally and ethically possible to insure his departure as soon as possible.

And I would take these steps immediately.

Stuart started this idiocy, and I would finish it.

As I look into the mechanism of filing an ethics complaint against Stuart myself, I would urge Commissioners Mielke and Madore to file a complaint against Stuart immediately, and take all of the other steps outlined above.

It's bad enough that Stuart lies during his campaign about a CRC vote.

It's bad enough that he's willing to sell out 400,000+ citizens of this community on the CRC Scam:  but his childish behavior, his requests that OTHERS act childishly and his failure to control the meeting last night?

There's no excuse for that.

It's not that I believe that Stuart does not have the right to oppose this hiring: that's his privilege, and as partisan as Stuart is (Would he have objected to the hiring of any of his fellow leftists?  Of course not) it goes without saying that he'd put his childishness and political hackery ahead of his duty as a commissioner and Chair of the Commission Board.

But that does not give him the right to act like a street thug, an out of control punk who slanders people at the drop of a hat, lying about them in an effort to further inflame the mob that he has so eagerly sought... even if it's for nothing... as his tantrum here will most certainly be.

And in the words of the late, unlamented Tom Koenninger to Marc Boldt back in the day:  "He should resign now, before his constituents throw him out."

Koenninger, of course, was as much a moron as his replacement.  And he was as right about Boldt as Stuart is about Benton.

That's how I see it.  I look forward to sharing this with Commissioner's Mielke and Madore.  One can hope they'll take it to heart and implement it as soon as possible.

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