Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Gov. LaPetomaine: No Audit on the CRC Scam

We all remember one of Mel Brooks' characters in his movie, "Blazing Saddles," one of my top comedy movies of all time. Gov. William J. LaPetomaine.

The comparison between the Brooks' character and the moron sitting in the GOV'S chair for our state is remarkable:

More than adequate evidence of cost overruns, potential violations of both state and federal laws and absolute proof of a pattern of misinforming the public was presented to this clown, and claiming to be some sort of expert, apparently, he spews:
He says he met with the state audit director, and read the reports from the two forensic auditors submitted by the Republicans. Washington's governor adds that the federal government is also monitoring spending on the project, and hasn't found any pattern of cost overruns or "a pattern of misinforming the public and elected officials that you allege in your letter."
Sure.  And the folks living across the street from Dachau had no idea it was a concentration camp.

It's a shame we have a blithering idiot sock-puppet for governor.

Fortunately, the audit is going to be held anyway.  And when these things are proven enough to even satisfy LaPetomaine, he's going to have a lot of explaining to do.

Kudos to the Willamette Week, who again is engaging in a concept completely foreign to our local daily.

It's called "journalism."

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