Thursday, May 09, 2013

The reeking hypocrisy of the left and Madore's meeting organization change.

Most people in the region are aware of the Stuart/Brancaccio/useful tool circus that's wasting everyone's time over the Benton appointment (Like him or hate him, Benton's got the job and there's nothing they can do about it) and as a result of the fringe-left nutter's playground behavior at the last commission meeting, Commissioner Madore is now exploring the idea of implementing a permanent change to commissioner meetings, where people have to wait until the last to get up and act like idiots.

In a situation, likely deliberate, where Commissioner Stuart makes the decision to allow meetings to devolve into lynch mobs like the one he and the Columbian whipped up last time, having built-in protections might be just the thing.

I would take it a step further:  the more people waiting, the less time they get.

"HORRORS!  That's a scam to shut the people up!"

No it isn't.

There's nothing keeping anyone from taking the time to write out their "thoughts" and concerns like the people at the last meeting did, after all, Commissioner Stuart, fresh from having trashed your fellow commissioners with your frankly rather idiotic, petulant and FALSE ethics violation claim, had no difficulty putting some numbers out there expressing his count of communications he’s had… as if that mattered, particularly.   But there is no reason to torture anyone, elected or otherwise, with hour after hour of the same idiocy, lack of civility, hooting, clapping and the kind of nonsense that you, Commissioner Stuart, had contrived to actually take place..

In fact, wasn't that the basis for Tim Leavitt's heavily-supported-by-the-left efforts to silence those wise enough to be opposed to Leave-it's CRC Scam?

So, here's my advice, Commissioner Madore:  I would change the policy to read, word for word, like Vancouver's, except I would add an addendum:  when more then, say, 30 people show up to testify, the amount of time is reduced to 2 minutes; more then 60 people?  One minute.
That doesn’t “silence” anyone any more than Vancouver’s beloved policy, a policy even the Columbian raved over, and we shouldn’t have a double-standard…. Should we?

If that's not enough time to verbalize their thoughts, then they can feel free to submit complaints or other comments in writing... presuming you clowns CAN write.

The fringe-left loved it when Leave-it screwed around with the people's ability to speak at city council meetings.  They shouldn't have any problem with this change.... unless, of course, they're rank hypocrites... and they couldn't be that, could they?

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