Saturday, April 06, 2013

The only way we go from here is the way Brancaccio wants.

There's an irony that we have a rag that's so upset about "growth" on one hand (So, how about a casino at Cascade Locks?) and then so rabid to get a piece of crap, with all of it's multiple negatives and none of it's positives built... all in the name of increasing our growth.

Couched in moronic terms like
"Could it be the difference between Vancouver living in the past, as a quiet suburb of Portland? Or living in the future as a vibrant, growing city with more opportunities for our children to stay, live and work here?"
Brancaccio seems incapable of understanding that those of us living here live here for the most part because we like things the way they are.

We don't have any particular need to further enrich Brancaccio or Scott Campbell's cronies just so that we can begin to claim that we're not what we are and likely will be forever: a suburb of Portland.

And with additional idiocy, this community has no particular problem keeping "our children."  There's never been a massive influx of Washingtonians moving to Lou's utopia of Multnomah.  In fact, as Brancaccio damn well knows, our population is exploding, relatively speak (Its more than doubled since 1988 when I moved here after military service) and we're not likely to be confused with New York or California, where people are leaving as fast as they can from those two train wrecks.

As most all things from the rag are presented, it's likely that this effort will just be part of the now massive and professional full-court press taking place in Olympia, a coordinated campaign to force GOP senators to continue to waste our hundreds of millions on this crap.

And this beauty:
For a decade now, some residents have been clamoring for a vote so we could accurately figure out where Clark County stands on the bridge, tolls and light rail. So The Columbian has decided to undertake a scientific poll to help answer those questions. We hadn't done a scientific poll in the past — frankly — because polls cost thousands of dollars.
We decided it is worth the money.
Really?  What about the polls these clown have run in the past where they claimed, stupidly as it turns out, that the public was clamoring for this rip off?  Those polls weren't "scientific?"

And how are these polls going to be ran?  By district?  By county?  Is it going to be limited to the CScam District?

And, of course, when they make the claim that polls "cost thousands of dollars," they really couldn't scrape together the $2500 or so that this poll would actually cost?

Here's the thing.  These clowns are losing and they know it,.  Their only hope is to put together has much of the continually self-serving information as they can in an effort... abortive as it will turn out, to change legislator's minds.

The fact is that we've HAD polls... the most scientific polls possible where people could voice their view on this scam.

The polls were recent. but they were absolutely accurate, and the newspaper HATED those outcomes:

They were called "elections."

The county commissioner elections were a county-wide poll on the CRC.  The rags two pro-CRC darlings, Boldt and Tanner, were flattened by an electorate that is sick to death of these lies and distortions in an effort to convince us that we absolutely HAVE to have this crap pile.

The most ardent opponent of this scam, beaten practically to death by this despicable rag for years, received 21,000 more votes, county-wide, as a result of his one-man band, $25,000 campaign that the most ardent supporter of the CRC scam, who spent $100,000 plus on his campaign.

The problem with this polling the rag is going to do is that the questions and the outcomes will be twisted in such a way that I guarantee you they'll see "SEE?  WE TOLD YOU SO!"
Now some might ask: The Columbian's institutional voice — our opinion — is in support of the CRC, so why are we risking paying for results that might suggest a lack of support for the CRC?
As Publisher Scott Campbell said when he gave the OK to spend the money, "That's what we do."
In other words, let the chips fall where they may.
Really?  Then why didn't you do it last year?  Why haven't you done it EVERY year?

If "that's what we do," then WHY HAVEN'T YOU BEEN DOING IT?

And this outright lie:
That's an important reminder for readers. The newsroom has no dog in this fight. Frankly, good newsrooms never have a dog in any community fight.
Our institutional voice might have a dog in the fight. But our newsroom does not.
News does its thing regardless of the newspaper's opinion.
So.  Where's the democratian's story on the Oregon Supreme Court ruling concerning the basis for this entire rip off?  You know, the one where the entire new bridge scam is to get loot rail into Clark County generally or Vancouver specifically?

Where's the article on Cortright's diversion analysis?

The "news" department has been bent over like this is the after party at the Playboy mansion.

And it's lies like these and the lies to come that that make this rag and those who run it wastes of space, a cancer on our community and a reason why they keep losing circulation even though our population continues to grow.

Frankly, they can't go bankrupt fast enough.

Meanwhile, these scum can save themselves this piddling coffee money, and just do something they've attacked in numerous articles in the past; doing all they can to KEEP it from happening:

Put this scam to a vote.

But you see, these scum don't WANT a vote.  I mean, imagine the fallout in the legislature when it came out against this rip off?

Imagine the fallout in Congress?  Why. the State Cow might have to actually DO something.  Our own worthless cardboard cutout of a congresswoman might actually have to get off her worthless ass and ACT, instead of just TALKING.

No, I believe these people would rather dive into a raging volcano then change their inculcated position.

See, here's a brief look at the possible outcomes:

1.  It comes back "the people hate it."

Does anyone believe for one moment that these clowns are going to change their positions?

Of course not.

When a position is based on an agenda and their every effort has been to denigrate and belittle those opposed to that agenda, what are chances that any of this will make any difference?

Something less than zero.

They'll excuse it.  They might not even print it.  Or, they'll cherry-pick it.

They'll put out the parts they like and sit on the parts they don't like.

But it will change absolutely nothing with these clowns.

2.  It'll come back roughly even.

If the poll shows that their position is supported by even ONE person, these people will act like it's a crushing defeat of the anti-side.

If the poll comes back where the anti-side wins narrowly, this rag will find any way possible to claim it's ahem, you guessed it, as a crushing defeat for the anti-side.

3.  It comes back "the people love it."

As unlikely as any honest poll will return such a result is, you can then expect a massive, full court press against the legislators fighting this rip off to get them to change their minds, much like the massive, full court press going on in Olympia now.

The problem is one of credibility: this newspaper has lied about so many things they wanted... from the Pollard Hilton, to the Ballpark Scam, to the CRC rip off... that how can they be believed no matter WHAT their per-ordained findings are?

Years from now, we're likely to see some version of a headline from another scam rip of, the Wenatchee Toyota Town Center.  It was a beaut:
The palace in Wenatchee was bonded and built without asking the people presumptively on the hook for the costs of building it.  That lead to idiocy from the biggest cheerleaders when it failed, like this:
Someone should have stopped us
Saturday, December 10, 2011
If only ...
If only someone with sense and financial acuity could have dug through the wishful thinking and pipe dreams and told us it wasn’t going to work. Maybe a quick dose of sobriety might have saved us, and we would not have built Town Toyota Center. We would not be saddled with a $42 million debt and no means to pay it. We could not be blamed for financial contagion or embarrassed by our foolishness, lack of foresight, empty due diligence, poor judgment and pending insolvency. Maybe we would not be waiting for the lawyers of the world to scour us clean to satisfy part of our horrid debt. If only ...
The problem is that we will be buried in debt before this realization actually sinks in.

And by then, it will be far too late.

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