Friday, April 05, 2013

Briggs dives headlong into the moron zone, Chapter 993: Those opposing the CRC Scam have no right to have their local government speak up for them.

We've established that candidate wannabe Mike Briggs isn't the brightest bulb on the tree.

Factually challenged about so many things, shooting off his mouth in his support of the rape of this community via the CRC Scam, doing his best to silence critics of that project; no lie too big or too small in his efforts to get this Herpes Type IV built (It will always be around, always be ugly, always be painful and always sooooo unnecessary.)

In the delusional world of this clown, the government of Washougal has no right or need 5to take a position on this rip off.  Of course, Briggs says nothing about Vancouver, which never misses the opportunity to speak out in favor of this pestilence, but "double-standard" and "hypocrisy" go hand-in-hand with fringe-left arrogant nutter.

Here is this idiot's latest effort to silence the voters and take away the only direct voice on the rip off they've been allowed because he wants it so badly... an effort that you know this hypocrite would NOT be making if this resolution would support his scam.

Full of lies and half-truths combined with gross exaggeration, Briggs shouldn't be elected dog-catcher.  And my blog is going to memorialize every idiotic, inane statement he makes out there as a resource for anyone running against him.

Don't get me wrong: I don't WANT this clown to stop writing.  The more, the merrier.  It makes it that much easier to drive a political stake through his political heart, using and disproving his own words in a permanent effort to discredit him and those like him.

Mike Briggs · Top Commenter · Freelance Writer at Freelance Writer
Mr. Shoemaker you write above, "... or beyond the scope of the city’s authority...". Why would or should Washougal take up an issue that is clearly beyond the scope of the city's authority?
To give the citizens of Washougal a voice.  Playing stupid must be easy for you, since you do it so well.
Isn't that what Washougal did with supporting the State of Arizona's Immigration reform? I don't recall Gov. Brewer calling and giving her thanks to Mayor Guard for Washougal's valliant[sic] resolution of defense for the state of Arizona.
Which is utterly and completely irrelevant here.  If Brewer HAD called, would this moron say anything about it?
Do you think Washougal will do much to convince the 18th District's current representatives, Sen. Rivers, Rep. Vick or Rep. Pike to go against the CRC project? (If no one has told you Dave...they are already against it).
Why yes.  Thanks for asking.

Look, Briggs, most people believe that not only individuals but governments as well have both the right... AND THE DUTY... to express positions when they are moved to do so.

This isn't Stalinist Russia (As much as that appears to disappoint you) and what the city council says as a group or not isn't up to you... thank God.

This resolution, along with that of the County Commissioners and the city of Woodland, will re-enforce to ALL elected officials in Clark County that your pet project is despised; a waste of time, effort, energy and billions of dollars all to get loot rail into Vancouver.
So who do you expect to influence with Washougal's non-binding and unsolicited city resolution?
How about Governor Moron, moron?  How about strengthening the resolve of our elected legislators in the face of the horrific pressure special-interest-owned scum like you are bringing to bear on them?

Is that enough of an answer?
We already are aware Washougal's state representatives are against this issue.
"We" ain't enough.
Who at the federal level, Mr. Shoemaker, is waiting to hear from Washougal? Do you believe Con. Jamie Herrera is waiting with bated breath? How about U.S. Senator Patty Murray...or Sen. Cantwell? Do you think they are waiting to read the City of Washougal's latest non-binding resolution?
And... what difference does that make?  They're going to get it one way or the other, and you're idiotic enough to not ALLOW those people to actually get this sense of the people of Washougal.

Of course, you're too ignorant to know that legislative bodies all over this country at every level run resolutions in support or opposition to various issues... and ALL of them are "non-binding..." and that includes our own legislature.
Or maybe Dave, do you think Clark County Commissioner David Madore might be waiting to hear from us? Do you think this could be true Councilman?
Irrelevant, petty and arrogant.  Typically Briggs.
In any result, I do know that for Washougal, who is desperately trying to attract business to our city, to go against business leaders and against an issue which they believe is important is not very wise. It is foolish.
And you're a blithering idiot, since this resolution will do nothing for... or against... bringing business into that community.

How one man could be so blindingly stupid and ignorant is just beyond my comprehension.
Why do we choose to align ourselves with Yacolt, when Camas, Battle Ground, Ridgefield, Longview, Kalama and others have already decided either not take a stand on this project or have voted to remain neutral?
And again, Briggs dishonestly leaves out Woodland and Clark County.

Why do the scum supporting this garbage have to lie to make their point?
Why does Washougal seek to put itself in harm's way Mr.Shoemaker? Why not stay neutral and let the State of Washington decide the fate of the CRC project with its own legislature?
Why are you moronic enough to keep prattling this nonsense?  Why do you want to silence this effort to give voice to a community that hates this rip off?

Everyone and their mother on your side of this rip off is sending crap to the governor every day, all day.

Did you condemn the LATEST effort, publicized by a CRC Scamming thuggery known as the democratian when they shilled that booklet of CRC lies to the governor today?

I mean, using YOUR bizarre, psychotic reasoning; that booklet, addressed to an already convinced pro-CRC governor is yet ANOTHER waste of our money... all without a peep from you.

Where's your outrage over this garbage... those lies and half-truths that you're so fond of?  After all, they wasted OUR money to convince an already convinced governor.  You know, the same kind of bat-shit crazy stuff you're babbling about here?

But then, as a leftist hypocrite, what else can we expect?
We shall ALL know by April 30.
And we will all know with Washougal having made the city's position on the issue quite clear.
What good can Washougal do for itself with this non-binding and unsolicited resolution...
It can become a model of responsive government where the city council actually cares, and will actively communicate the concerns of its citizenry.
but what harm could it do?
Absolutely none, ingrate.  Why do you keep asking the same moronic, stupid question when you know the answer?
This is what a wise leader would be looking at Councilman.
The problem is that you have no more idea what "a wise leader" looks like then you do truth... integrity... democracy... and decency.

I simply cannot wait for you to announce.

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