Sunday, April 21, 2013

The cowardess of Jim "Molehill" Moeller.

Unfortunately, the sheeple of the 49th District have elected a genuine scumbag to the state House by the name of Jim "Molehill" Moeller. (Communist - 49)

Molehill is famous for two primary things: his arrogance... and his rank, stinking, hypocrisy.  To that, tonight, we add a third: cowardice.

Molehill has a constituent by the name of Lew Waters.  This is a problem, since Molehill's both a lying sleazeball AND a CRC Scammer who would sell his own mother to get this rip off built.

Waters has been drilling Molehill's idiocy on the CRC Scam literally, for years.  Lately, he's refined his latest questions to this: 

Lew Waters ·  Top Commenter · Works at Stateside Associates Best Local Politics Blog
Are you that eager to relocate Clark County jobs to Reedsport, Oregon, Jim?

Your silence in the face of repeated requests for addressing the efforts of Oregon State Representative Caddie McKeown, (D-Coos Bay) who supports and voted for the too low bridge, to encourage those businesses requiring more height for their goods to be able to be shipped to relocate down to Reedsport, Oregon once the very bottleneck to river commerce Oregon wants is built is appearing to be agreeing with her efforts.

Sharing in your silence is also Sharon Wylie and Annette Cleveland, both of whom have also been asked publicly to address it.

Is that part of your agreement? Stick us with the cost of Portland's light rail and a bridge that will hamper river commerce so Oregon gets not only our money, but hundreds of good paying jobs as well?

Isn't it about time you represented the 49th legislative district in Washington over Oregon?
Typically,that scumbag Molehill has just ignored Waters, because, well, after all, Molehill believes himself to be a junior god; in his eyes, Waters is a nobody and even though he WORKS for Waters, when you don't have an answer, it's better to just let people think you're an asshole than it is to post something and confirm it.

Molehill has been living by that axiom for years.

Until tonight.

And instead of actually addressing his constituent's questions, the 49th's Chief Asswipe responded thusly:

  • Jim Moeller ·  Top Commenter
    Lew et al: It's been said that "Those who do not understand your silence will probably not understand your words". Your minds have already been made up. Why should I waste my time? I have a bridge to fund. ;-)
While dipshit may "have a bridge to fund," it ain't the CRC.

That said, this stupid son-of-a-bitch didn't answer the question.  Instead, he babbles something he made up, and then fails to respond in any way to his constituent's questions.

Molehill's problem is that EVERYONE "understands" his "silence."

He's bent over for the CRC Scam so often that inconvenient truths fail to register on his radar and this rat bastard believes himself above the requirement that he respond to a constituent... when that constituent is smart enough to call his hypocritical ass out on the extortion he proposes.

See, Rep. Moeller, that's why so many despise you.  You could have sex with orangutans for all I care, and it wouldn't make a damned bit of difference to me.

Why you are despicable, lying scum is your business.  THAT you are despicable lying scum is EVERY ONE'S business when your idiocy is going to rape us financially for generations for no justifiable reason, if you can get away with it.

Fortunately for us, you ain't getting your "funding," this year... or ANY year.

And when this is over, and you're holding a big pile of CRC Crap that's been dumped all over your head, I guess your answer won't matter anyway... will it? 

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