Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jaime Herrera (Beutler) polishes her cluelessness cred.

One of the more depressing aspects of life for local conservative junkies is the growing realization that our local Member of Congress is a clueless nit.

During the entirety of her now going on 6 year elective tenure, Jaime Herrera has accomplished precisely nothing.

*I* had more bills passed in the legislature than she did... and she was a member.

She hasn't passed a single bill since she got to Congress, and only passed one, the typical kiddy-bill given to all legislators to pass to teach them the system... although I will admit the now even more worthless Brandon Vick hasn't even done THAT.

Now, in a rare moment of candor, even Herrera acknowledges her worthlessness in even an unimportant matter like the Pearson Museum debacle she developed out of nothing, with this:
Herrera Beutler said she's been informally trying to get the trust and Park Service to work together over the past year, without much success.
Yeah.  Dropping an idiotic, dead-on-arrival-in-the-Senate bill is certainly "informal."
"Generally, senators, congresspeople, they work through their staffs on things like this, but this is one that caused me to get directly involved," Herrera Beutler said, noting that she personally called officials from both sides repeatedly during the process. "I was surprised. I wasn't even able to get results."
"I was surprised I wasn't even able to get results."


You're a nobody; an utterly worthless back-bencher with the throw-weight of a Hostess Snowball.

You are the ONLY one "surprised."  Your entire career has been worthless smoke and mirrors, governance by carefully-crafted press-releases,and cowardice when it comes to even the mundane aspects of congressional representation: the town hall meeting.

*I* knew you weren't getting anything done on this: I said so from the very first, and if *I* knew it, then how come you (and these morons at the Lazy C kissing your ass) DIDN'T?

Who would listen to you?  What have you done to earn respect?

Why would you waste all this time on a tiny Museum, which has now blown up in your face, instead of spending 10 times more on freeing us from the yoke of CRC Scammery and oppression?

What a clueless isiot.  You have no idea what the word "priority" means.

You haven't been able to "get results" because you've handled this like a moron from the beginning, and we all would have been much better served had you kept your idiotic meathooks OUT of it.

You bill is a waste of time, it's the "bright, shiny object" politics you love to play while you remain silent or cave on even the most remotely controversial issue confronting us today.

I am, frankly, ashamed I ever heard of you, because you're even a more selfish, cowatrdly self-promoter than Lou Brancaccio, and I didn't think that was possible.


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