Monday, April 22, 2013

CRC Scammers: they just think we're stupid.

The "DiVide" scam the democratian's running... why are they bothering?

They start with putting out what everyone knew was going to be ANOTHER slanted, biased, self-serving poll (Where are those cross-tabs, again?) that does NOT support their side of this issue; they completely ignore the most damning number that even THEY came up with (87% want this put to a vote... EIGHTY SEVEN PERCENT)  and they don't even talk about it now...

They focus on a regiment of CRC Scammers: the usual, typically lying suspects.  Today's effort is mouth-pieced by Brian Wolfe, one of the morons behind the disastrous Port Levy idiocy that, unfortunately, only claimed Arch Miller as it's only victim, when Brian Wolfe should have been buried when he came up as well.

And that's the thing: you get leftist whack jobs like anyone elected to the 49th District generally by asswipe scuzball Jim "Molehill" Moeller shooting off his mouth with lie, after lie, upon lie; and then you segue to an equally fringe left tax and spender that wanted to screw the people of this region as if he was a clone of Moeller on the Port Commission.

His choice tidbits?

The bizarre idea that we are all going to die, economically, if billions aren't wasted on the CRC Scam and that the small businesses that depend on the ever-increasing toll money they fantasize over  won't even notice that giant, 45 year year sucking sound of hundreds of millions of additional dollars vaporizing out of our local economy instead of being spent on pizza, movies, books, athletics, community events and the like will not be crushed by this idiocy defies reality.

The rag's take:
He and others who’ve steered the county’s growth strategy for decades are under fire by critics girding to capsize their priorities.
And how great of a job has Wolfe and "others" done "steering the county's growth strategy?"

They lie about what this project is.  They lie about who is going to pay for it.

They lie about the number of jobs, temporary as they are, that will result from this rip off.

And then this stupidity from the rag:
But the vision of project opponents for solving Clark County’s chronic transportation problems is less clear — express buses, perhaps, or a third Columbia River bridge that nobody in control of transportation purse strings is even talking about.
 If this despicable rag would even acknowledge the truth of the matter: that the entirety of this rip off was and remains the plan to get the fungus of Portland Loot Rail into Clark County, then the issue of WHY "nobody in control of transportation purse strings is even talking about" the obviously and far more urgently needed 3rd and 4th bridges would be the most obvious aspect of all of this.

CRC Scammers like the democratian have obviously lies through omission about this issue: the Oregon Supreme Court was very clear that loot rail is the ONLY reason for this scam, yet that waste of wood pulp has refused to ever acknowledge that fact.

We all know why: to acknowledge the truth would destroy the entirety of this plan.

These same idiots who believe themselves (quite wrongfully, as it turns out) to be superior to those they allegedly work for, want us to turn a blind eye to their corruption, their lies, their policy of ignoring us and just sign on the dotted line.

I have been saying for years that the policy to ignore the people would prove disastrous to these scum at some point, and now , the worm appears to have fully turned as this thing is under peels of the death-knell bell.

In fact, here's some footage after the last CTran meeting:

The playground idiocy that anyone is exhibiting by saying, "oh, well, hell, we know the plan is worthless, that we've wasted tens of millions on a  design that the Coast Guard has, and will continue by the way, to reject at the rate of $4 million per month, but you suckers should just shut up, do what you're told and pay for it anyway" is just that: idiocy.

To suggest such a thing is to suggest that those running the CRC Scam totally believe us to be stupid.  We're not serfs, here.  This isn't the Kingdom of CRC Scammers.


This plan, which these scum have been shilling for a decade WITHOUT ANY IDEA WHAT THE FINAL PLAN WOULD EVEN LOOK LIKE, DOES HAVE TO BE PERFECT.

That's right: it has to be perfect.

When this agony is over, were this to ever have been built, it MUST make billions of dollars worth of difference.  Even the CRC acknowledges that once built, the only "benefit" for these billions will be a 60 second reduction to the commute time.

Of course, that moron LaHood has acknowledged that this isn't being built for speed.

But if it isn't, then why do the CRC Scum keep telling us that "congestion relief" is one of the main reasons for this?

And given the CRC-listed out comes... at this point, those shilling this crap should be shot.

Politically, of course.

The cumulative effect of this rip off is to hurt this community for generations to pay for a project that will only accomplish it's single goal, a goal that no one wants: the spreading of that transportation venereal disease known as light rail.

CRUDEC is a non-player in this scam, they cheer-lead for this idiocy, but as a charter member of the Downtown Mafia, that sort of thing is to be expected. That it's even mentioned in this propaganda is a waste of paper.

Their support of the CRC Scam makes them worthless and causes their judgement on every other issue to come into question: if they're so moronic that they'd support the extortion of the CRC Scam, then what other kinds of idiocy are they supporting?

In short: why do we need them?

We don't.

That Wolfe "sees" this if the Scam is built:
a sturdier bridge, faster freight movement, a stronger regional mass transit system to serve future generations.
Shows that he's unfit for elective office.

The monumental costs of this scam, considering the fact that once built, there are NO tangible benefits to our community shows he's just another clueless idiot that we can all be ashamed was ever elected to dog-catcher.

There's nothing here to justify the expenditure on one thin dime.

And THAT is where the problem lies: they're pissing on our legs and trying to call it rain.

We know better.  And this Scam is over as a result.

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