Monday, April 29, 2013

MORE rank hypocrisy from the democratian? Worries about polling on gun-control: won't demand a vote on the CRC Scam

I'm not terribly concerned about the efforts to implement obviously unconstitutional law that will be tossed out even if it does pass.  That the democratian is peeing their pants over such an effort is not surprising: after all, as a fringe-left toady publication, their desire to trample on and ignore certain rights is a pattern of abuse stretching back decades.

But their babble today?

Here's the thing: their stupidity on the issue of gun-control aside, the rank hypocrisy of their commentary on the mechanism to implement it in the face of their complete intransigence on the issue of the voters of this county getting a vote on the CRC Scam is enough to force this writer to blow chunks.

The gun-grabber scam they're babbling about will go no where.  The reasons it went no where during the past few months remain fully in play: they won't magically change because this cancer on our community demands it.

Replace the words "gun control in the editorial with "CRC" and then you get the true portrait of their reeking hypocrisy.  Here's a brief rewrite that helps to illustrate the effort.

In Our View: The Issue That Won't Go Away
Reasonable anti-CRC control measures will continue.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Although the Washington Legislature will continue with a special session, one fact already is known about this year’s efforts: 2013 will be remembered as the year our lawmakers killed the CRC.

But we doubt the wave of public concern will wither anytime soon. Any legislators and other local politicians who hope they will no longer be held accountable on this issue are engaged in fantasy. Just as the refusal by Vancouver to act has triggered massive resolve to kill the CRC in the legislature, CRC Scammers also can be expected to resurrect this debate in the next legislative session.

Granted, polls are not in themselves decisive, but in this case they are more than just indicative. Elections in Clark County have REPEATEDLY shown that the people of this community hate this rip off with a passion.  A poll done in the last election saw two CRC advocates, one a two-term incumbent, get slaughtered at the ballot box by candidates who ran almost entirely on killing this scam.  The people of this county have, on at least 3 different occasions, voted against loot rail, but none of that makes any difference to CRC Scammers.

None of that conventional wisdom, though, was reflected in the CRC Scam supporter's efforts to lie their way into getting this scam passed.  With an 78 year long policy in writing in place to ignore the public on this rip off, the idea that this rag would cry fake crocadile tears on a lame, unconstitutional set of gun-grabbing regulations implemented as if the 2nd Amendment was the 2nd Suggestion isn't surprising. 

As The Seattle Times editorialized: “A tally should be public, either in a local vote or at least in a county-wide, up ior down referendum.  But if the scum like Tim "The Liar" Leave-it is unable to lead, the court-ordered vote from the petitioners is a ripe opportunity to advance via a vote.” Therein lies a promising strategy for a public that grows increasingly aggravated with CRC Scammer intransigence, and organizers plan to file suit to force these dillwads to put this to a vote very soon.

How can our democracy thrive when a willful minority can keep dictating to the rest of the county?
The answer is simple. Democracy will thrive because people have long memories, and when so many feel so strongly about a topic, they aren’t likely to just hush up and go away.

It's easy for these scum to demand and support a vote on issues they like.

Not so much when these dregs of the earth oppose the issue.

And that's just one of the many reasons to despise these hypocritical scum.

They turn that "democracy" and "will of the people" scam on and off like a light switch.

And here's a memo, dillwad editorial writers:

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