Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Another odd editorial from the democratian: In Our View: Keep an Eye on the Governor

A great many words that say practically nothing, offer up no solutions, restating the obvious.

It's what they do.

But what struck me was the basis for this editorial, stolen in large part from an article off the WSW (the Washington State Wire acronym among aficionados) that discusses Inslee's missteps in some depth.

The reason I'm struck by this is to this point, the democratian has completely ignored the fine work done by the Willamette Week and Andrea Damewood and others on the CRC Scam.

It's not that the democratian writers don't read these articles that have laid bare the massive waste, corruption and incompetence of this project, they surely do.  Expose's on the lies, falsities, exaggerations and utter disbelief when it comes to how those in charge of and those actually wasting the money spent on this project have been and will be for the indefinite future, raping the local public.

A Bridge Too False

Turns out most of the case for the $3.6 billion Columbia River Crossing Isn’t true. 


Transportation Secretary: Columbia River Crossing Not Designed For Speed


New Anti-Columbia River Crossing Flyer Adds to Pressure on Wheeler 


The Woman Behind the Bridge

The force behind Oregon’s massive freeway project works for the governor—and a private company that wants it built.


The Runaway Bridge Budget

State transportation officials stood by as planning costs for the Interstate 5 Columbia River Crossing ballooned.


Making It Up As They Go

As Kitzhaber pushes the CRC, the plan to pay for it is both fact and fantasy.


Proposed Mega-Bridge Drifts Toward Gridlock


"Unacceptable Impacts:" Local Electeds Call for CRC Changes


Governors Stiff-Arm Local Pols On CRC: "Project Can't Afford Delays"

There are others, of course, but my personal favorite is:

The $2.5 Billion Bribe

Oregon’s Supreme Court says light-rail politics drove plans for a new I-5 bridge.

Published in February of last year, this story, which includes a link to the actual Supreme Court decision,  lays out in the tiniest detail the history of the rip off that is the CRC Project; the true basis for the entirety of this scam, the only reason, verified by that moron Kitzhaber as to why this project is being built in the first place (loot rail) and how those like Pollard, Tim "The Liar" Leave-it and Steve Stuart bent this community over for this project and, of course, the main reason why the people were not allowed a vote.

That the democratian can pick an article and rely so heavily on what it says, as they did in today's editorial, isn't a "bad" thing and it does show they have that capability.

That they REFUSE to mention most of the information in these and other stories is the thing.

Failing to mention the information provided in most of these stories is simply inexcusable.  Failing to mention the last story, where the Oregon Supreme Court concluded:
But Chief Justice Paul De Muniz, writing for the majority, highlighted an inconvenient set of facts for CRC backers..
He wrote in the Feb. 16 opinion that most of the project—namely the 10-lane freeway bridge and new interchanges—was put forward to get Clark County to agree to the light-rail line.
De Muniz cited statements that Metro made in the land-use process and Metro’s lawyer repeated before his court.
“It was politically impossible for the light rail project to proceed without also building new interstate bridges across the Columbia River,” De Muniz wrote.
“Or as Metro later summarized it: ‘There is no light rail without the freeway bridge[s] being replaced.’”
Backers have cited traffic and safety issues as the top reasons to build the CRC. But the court ruling means those and other justifications were created after officials decided to give a sop to Clark County, now worth $2.5 billion.
... is a deliberate "oversight" designed to keep the people of Clark County in the dark as to the real reasons behind this rip off.

Telling this truth would, of course, dramatically increase the opposition to this horrific scam... which, of course, is why the democratian has not mentioned any of this.

Lying.  It's what they do.  And in this case, it's lies of omission.

Imagine how much better off our community will be when this cancer on our community finally, irrevocably, goes under.

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