Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Herrera continues to stand by and do nothing on the CRC Scam.

Folks, she's SAYING MOST of the right things:

....of course, Kiewit, who owns her as her number one campaign contributor, wants a bridge built, no matter what, so they can build it...

But all of that begs the issue: her nonsensical hyperbole notwithstanding, her faux outrage aside...



That's right: Jaime Herrera has done and is doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that will make any difference on the CRC Scam.

No bill.


She's had YEARS to nail this thing to the wall... and she's DONE....


Of course, no one watching the vignette above would think that, and Herrera wouldn't have you think it any other way.

But this empty-suited idiot, who dropped a genuinely stupid, do-nothing, DOA-in-the-senate  vanity-bill on the relatively minor in comparison Pearson Museum has shown herself absolutely incapable of taking any ACTION to stop the rip off of the CRC Scam.

Folks, ACTION and RESULTS are the only thing that matter.

Both Don Benton and Ann Rivers have done more in the last 3 months to kill this scam than Herrera has in the last SIX YEARS.

Just sayin'.

Talk is cheap.  It's ACTION and RESULTS that matter:

Herrera has neither.

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