Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Hypocrisy abounds as Benton named County Environmental Services Director, leftist-anti-CRC heads explode.

Interesting, isn't it?

Almost to a man, every left-wing, pro-CEC Scammer in the county has weighed in on Benton's appointment.

If someone like, say, Jim "Molehill" Moeller had gotten the gig, these SAME scum would be falling all over themselves to pat the commissioners on the back... and it would have been UNANIMOUS AND Stuart wouldn't have "walked" anywhere, nor would the soon-to-be-departed Bill Barron have opened up HIS yap.

Scumbags from Lou Brancaccio to Paul Montague to Jim Mains (Who did a truly miserable and clueless job on Marc Boldt's campaign) to even pip squeak failed candidates like fringe leftist DENSA member Randy Mueller and "have office, will run (badly)" Craig "Don't know what the hell I'm talking about" Williams have pooped their pants following the announcement.

Almost every negative comment is in direct retaliation for Benton's history of a militant stand against the CRC Scam specifically and his past conservative stances. .  The vast majority attacking this move have been, with equal militancy, in favor of raping our county, either through direct support of this massive extortion of the CRC Scam or by working to get/keep candidates elected who would cheerfully bend us over for decades on a scam that would have made Al Capone blush in it's breadth and depth.

Hopefully, both Madore and Mielke were aware that this appointment would result in the local rag and the CRC Scammers using it to hold them up and beat them like a piƱata.... not they the local swine ever needed an excuse.  Commissioner Stuart, who got "Mielked" in the whole thing ("Mielked" is a phrase I coined to describe how pro-CRC Scamming Commissioner Stuart and now-former Commissioner Boldt typically treated the only conservative Commissioner on the Board, Tom Mielke.) now knows what his political future looks life until he leaves office at the end of next year.

But some of these slime are of special note: Many of the Scammers are literally throwing an embolism.

Paul Montague of Identity Vancouver has literally stroked out in his comments... not nearly as much as he will when his precious project is executed in a short time, but this has been a pretty good warm up.

In the end, that Stuart and Barron... particularly Barron, doesn't like it... or any of these screaming idiots, for that matter, is meaningless.

No amount of whining and sniveling is going to change it.  But now, Sen. Benton will have to show up.  He will have to be in the office every day.  He will be responsible for the operation of this department and he will not be allowed to take off to engage in his business.

THAT much is a fact,.

I hope he knows that, as well.  And time will tell.


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I certainly missed something. Why the uproar?

  2. Haters ain't gonna miss an opportunity to hate.


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