Monday, April 29, 2013

Christie completes assassinating his presidential aspirations.

When Christie burst on the scene, I was quite taken with him.

The Fat Man fired back, at anyone or anything that tried the typically leftist crap used today to blow him out of the saddle.

Unions were particularly deserving of his wit: he would trash them and their sculls deftly and with aplomb... typically vignettes of beauty.

But his leftward drift has become a, well, "sprint."  Like many leftists, he doesn't get what "freedom of speech" REALLY means, unless HE is exercising it.

Christie killed the deal by kissing Obama's ass... publicly... post-Sandy.  And his ongoing campaign?

That just slams the coffin door down and nails it shut with a sledgehammer.


  1. Christie could win. He's wrong on lots of stuff but I would vote for him vs. a Leftist, which means if you Conservative types would adopt him you would pick up the Center even though he is more of a Righty. That's a good deal in politics.

    p.s. Obama is NOT and has never been a Leftist, and Christie is correct in that Obama has delivered on promise. And why keep bashing him - he'll be gone in 3.

  2. Bye-Bye Christie


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