Sunday, April 28, 2013

UPDATE: Democratian changes the story - Democratian blows it on transportation budget story: CRC in deep trouble.

The latest version of the democratian's lies does not include mention of their screw up on the tolling authority going back to the commission.

The paragraphs quoted below were in the story and have since been removed.  They must have figured it out.

I almost fell out of my chair when I read this:
The Washington state House this afternoon approved a compromise transportation budget, which includes $81.7 million for the Columbia River Crossing project, as well as allows the state's Transportation Commission to set tolls for the CRC.


The transportation spending plan approved by the House would let the state's Transportation Commission set tolls for the CRC. That authority was granted to the commission last year, but Initiative 1185, approved in November, shifted toll-setting authority to legislators instead.
Multiple sources are telling me that while the authority to set tolls for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and Ferry fares were given to the commission, the CRC toll setting authority was not.

So, once again the democratian blew it.

Must not have seen the paper trail.

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