Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The Oregon GOP weighs in against the CRC scam: Herrera's silence continues.

Gotta wonder: Why isn't Jaime Herrera taking a position on this issue?

Yeah or nay... up or down.... yes or no?  Strange that Sen. Ann Rivers has the guts to take a position... but Jaime?

The Oregon GOP has weighed in:

ORP News Release - Oregon GOP Executive Committee Passes Resolution Opposing CRC - 03 04 2013


Oregon Republican Party Opposes Columbia River CrossingORP Executive Committee Issues Resolution Urging Legislators To Vote NO
Wilsonville, OR – Today the Oregon Republican Party announced its opposition to the Columbia River Crossing (CRC) Bridge Project.  Here is the text of the resolution passed by the Executive Committee that is being sent today to Oregon and Washington State Legislators urging a NO vote on the Portland to Vancouver Bridge:
Resolution of the Oregon Republican Party in Opposition to the
Columbia River Crossing (CRC) Bridge Project
Whereas, there is a clear necessity to increase vehicular transportation capacity from the Portland metro area to and from Clark County and surrounding areas across the Columbia River to and from Washington State; and
Whereas, the CRC design offers only three full span (entire length of bridge) vehicular lanes in each direction (the same as on the existing I 5 bridge); and
Whereas, light rail is an inferior transit option for Vancouver transit riders who enjoy the CTRAN express busses, since it is inflexible and would impose a commute time penalty of 125%; and
Whereas, TriMet is ineligible for further Federal light rail funding since it has reduced service by fourteen percent since 2009 and cannot make a commitment to operate any new trains for twenty years, as required by Federal law; and
Whereas, the “mega-bridge” concept of consolidating all future traffic down the I-5 corridor will never work, due to highway constraints south of the Fremont Bridge; and
Whereas, the CRC tolling proposal will use toll revenue to help pay for light rail, contrary to Oregon constitutional restrictions on the use of highway user fees; and
Whereas, the CRC bridge will have river clearance of only 116 feet, which will adversely affect at least four major Oregon employers and future economic development; and
Whereas, the bridge height of 116 ft does not have US Coast approval; and
Whereas, HB 2800-A authorizes debt financing in the amount of $450 million plus interest for the CRC project without providing any funds for repayment, which will require a future burden on taxpayers; and
Whereas, the Oregon Republican Party supports an efficient and cost-effective transportation system, essential to the movement of commercial and industrial goods and services; and
Whereas, the Oregon Republican Party supports a cost-effective alternative to the CRC project, without light rail; and
Whereas, the Oregon Republican Party recommends that the current I-5 Interstate Bridge should remain in use for the foreseeable future; and
Whereas, the Oregon Republican Party recommends that ODOT disperse traffic with two additional bridges, one West of the I-5 bridge and one East of the I-205 bridge, both with a height of at least 144 feet,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, on this day, March 3rd 2013,
That the Oregon Republican Party recommends a NO vote on the Columbia River Crossing (CRC) legislation, HB 2800-A, because it fails to be an efficient and cost-effective solution and fails to meet the needs of all Oregonians.
Click Here to download the ORP Executive Committee's CRC Resolution.
# # #
Suzanne Gallagher
Chair, Oregon Republican Party
(503) 595-8881

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