Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Herrera continues to tap dance around the CRC: All talk.... no action.

Our empty suit of a cowardwoman is at it again.

We are going on 5 months since the people she claimed she was looking at provided that simple idiot with the guidance she thought she needed, the obvious hatred of the CRC scam notwithstanding, that was supposed TO give her direction about how she was supposed to act towards the CRC tolling project.

What has she done over these past several months.

The same, essentially, has she has done during the entirety of her wasted elective tenure in office.


Oh, don't get me wrong.  Barbie has written a few letters... but what has she DONE?  What has she ACCOMPLISHED?

Again, absolutely nothing.

And what was her waste of ink today, designed to fool those not following this scam closely into thinking she's looking out for them?

Another letter.  More questions.

How is that doing anything like she promised us?

I guess we can add "liar" to her resume'.

Let's remember, folks: Ridgefield Barbie wants THIS CRAP PILE TO BE BUILT.  SHE WANTS LOOT RAIL.  SHE WANTS TOLLS.

How do I know?  Simple:

She's done nothing to stop it.

Once you realize she's scamming us by claiming one thing while doing another, everything else falls into place.

And here's today's scam:  She's "asking questions."  You know, questions she SHOULD have asked YEARS ago.

Herrera Beutler questions CRC expenses

The Congresswoman sends letter to CRC director asking her to explain some project costs

In a letter sent to Columbia River Crossing Director Nancy Boyd today, U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas, asked Boyd to explain why certain CRC expenses are necessary.
If the CRC project's goal is to replace the Interstate 5 Bridge over the Columbia River, improve nearby freeway interchanges and extend Portland light rail into Vancouver, then why is some CRC money marked for a TriMet maintenance facility in Gresham, Ore., or for upgrades to Portland's Steel Bridge, Herrera Beutler asked Boyd in the letter.
Several of the project expenses questioned by Herrera Beutler have been brought up in reports by forensic accountant and CRC critic Tiffany Couch.
Herrera Beutler also asked why the Vancouver extension of light rail is expected to cost more per mile than light rail stretches in Portland and Seattle.

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