Wednesday, March 06, 2013

More lies from the democratian: "In their view: continue to rip us off on the CRC scam."

One of the many problems to democratian has (And the continuing rumor of Brancaccio getting fired... soon... just will not go away, so maybe Scott Campbell IS paying attention) is they will lie and spin at the drop of the hat to get their agenda enacted,.

At this point, I typically shred the lies, misrepresentations and spin of their latest editorial, but there's no point to it.

That the rag wants to be, and then wants us TO BE, Oregon's willing rape victim has made it the punch line of journalism in this neck of the woods.  This idiotic lie set and spin of an editorial is just another case in point.

The morons shilling this link to the extortionist web site of the CRC while completely ignoring the mass of information out there from independent sources an analysis that puts the lie to these dillwad's positions as some sort of resource while ignoring the objective facts of the matter.

Further, these scum ignore the will of the people of this county, overwhelmingly in opposition to this stupidity.

They refer to a non-existent "momentum" which ends at the southern shore of the river as if it actually exists anywhere but in their drug-addled minds.

There is no "buy-in" for this project in Clark County by anyone but the scum in the downtown mafia, the CRUDEC, The Chamber of Horrors, those getting rich off this idiocy; Identity Vancouver and... the democratian... who is precisely as right on this as they were on the ballpark scam.  They said many of the same things, but they overlooked one minor detail:

The people of this county HATE it.

And that one detail should be enough to drop their bridge-scam idea into the river.  That the slime pushing this messaging can't figure this out dooms this rag to ultimate bankruptcy as I, and tens of thousands of others wouldn't be caught dead buying this despicable rag while they're pushing financial death into this county and then lying about it.

Washington's part in this idiocy is to kill it.... finally and irrevocably.

And that.... is what the state senate.... is going to do.

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