Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The Willamette Week doing the job of the democratian - Sen. Ann Rivers: Bridge Killer. (And where's our Cowardwoman?)

Unfortunately, or local disgrace to journalism has long-since ended any credibility they may have had on the CRC: their on-going failure to report ALL of the negative information about the massive, economic black-hole that is the theft represented by the CRC scam.

How bad is it that the Columbian's job is being both performed by an "alternative weekly" that has done a masterful job in separating fact from fiction and then bringing us the truth... while the Columbian acts like a petulant punk on the playground: caring ONLY for it's agenda  they've ,long since abrogated their integrity and truth to shill this part of their agenda... and a FORMER democratian reporter?

The democratian represents the same mind-set as the scum pushing this rip off: Leave-it, Stuart, Burkman, the mafia, et al... and like those people we're unfortunate enough to have in office who are ignoring the growing cacophony against this rip off, the rag continues on with what it considers to be their mission: getting that damned bridge built and getting it built with loot rail.

No matter how much incompetence has been proven.  No matter how much it costs (Hell: after all, it's not THEIR money)  no matter who gets hurt.

The final irony on this aspect?

Andrea Damewood is the reporter.

No.... not for the democratian where she labored for so long under the Brancaccio/Goebbels regime.  ,,, but for Willamette Week. 

Sen. Ann Rivers (R-18) is the senator for my district. Unlike Tim "The Liar" Leave-it, Steve Stuart, the downtown mafia, CRUDEC, the Chamber of Horrors and Identity Vancouver, Sen. Rivers listens. Also unlike those morons, she uses facts and the will of the people to guide her actions.

Is there any question that between the two, Herrera and Rivers, that Rivers would be the far superior member of Congress instead of the empty suit we have now?

And she then represents, a concept simply beyond the CRC-shilling slime of those in office in the 49th.has been a dynamic force in the impending death of this rip off.  Willamette Week spells it all out:

Bridge End

Oregon backers of the CRC think they’ve won the day. They haven’t met Ann Rivers.

news1_annrivers_3918ROILED RIVERS: Washington State Sen. Ann Rivers (R-La Center) says she’s faced “tremendous pressure” to support the Columbia River Crossing. She’s turning that pressure back around, rallying the Senate to reject the project and send it back for a redesign. - IMAGE:
Ann Rivers sips her skinny vanilla latte in a Ridgefield, Wash., coffee shop on a bright Sunday morning, smiling at the new role she has found herself playing in Northwest politics: the bridge killer.
Rivers, a La Center Republican, has served in the Washington Legislature for a little more than two years. She understands power—Rivers has a political consulting business, running campaigns and lobbying for local schools.
But Rivers, 46, has quickly found herself the most prominent and perhaps most persuasive player in Olympia on the proposed $3.4 billion Columbia River Crossing.
She hates the project, even though she knows some residents of her Clark County district might benefit from the massive freeway bridge and light-rail. She knows the CRC has influential backers—business and labor unions, and that she will feel heat  when the time comes to stop the project.
“I will not be intimidated,” she says.
She isn’t alone. The Washington Senate appears united in its determination to stop the CRC, which recently rolled through the Oregon Legislature.

There's a difference when the scum shilling the CRC extortion try their best, which is pretty pathetic, to get this scam through:

The facts simply don't support their position.  And Sen. Rivers is concerned about the facts.

There are two types of people in government: those who work for themselves, and those who work for the people.

NONE of the scum shilling this crap, for example, support a public vote on this funding.

Damned few of them, if any, will have to ever PAY for this rip off if it ever were to get built.

Oregon wants this because they want to rape Washingtonians to bail them out of their own incompetence; the hundreds of millions of dollars (and growing) debt that TriMet incompetence has led to... the same kind on incompetence these same scum support running this rip off over here.

And Sen. Rivers is not having it.

Meanwhile, that worthless waste of skin in Congress continues to be invisible on the subject.

Because, God-forbid that our gutless worm of a congresswoman EVER take a position on ANYTHING.

And, of course, her continued inaction is a sign of support, because, of course, her IN-action is designed to make this rip off happen.

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