Thursday, March 07, 2013

Columbian idiocy and hypocrisy continues to know no bounds: In Our View: Infringe the 2nd Amendment.

Like our money when it comes to that worthless CRC scam, the democratian has no problem urging that OUR rights are infringed while theirs remain not only subsidized but burnished when they babble utter Goebbelian nonsense like this.

Back in the day when the democratian actually made up bogus polls to try and get past non-existent support for the CRC theft, they assured us that the people of Clark County actually WANTED this crap pile.  These kinds of results of polls with pre-determined outcomes are just the kind of thing the slime at the Lazy C have done in the past as they obliterate the line between journalism and agenda.

 I admit it: I own guns.  But before I owned guns, I was a soldier, a non-commissioned officer in Combat Arms for 9 years and a commissioned, Regular Army Officer for the better part of 5 more. I have used firearms in connection with that, and have fired thousands of rounds of ammunition.

But more importantly, I observed close up during my service of a gun-control state that so many on the left generally and the democratian particularly would love to see:  It was called "East Germany."

It was called "The Iron Curtain."  I also had occasion to go to East Berlin several times.

They were a "gun-control" society.  How'd that work out for them?

All too often, their is a thread of leftist idiocy in the rag's positions on social engineering (The CRC, for example; gay marriage... DADT in the military during a war)  and molding their world view at our expense.  The idea that if I sell one of my weapons to Uncle John, I should have to pay, or he should have to pay for a background check is one of the more moronic of the many moronic ideas the Columbian Clowns have advanced.

Exclusive of the fact that the 2nd Amendment (and not, as the rag would suggest, the 2nd Suggestion) includes the phrase, "shall not be infringed," the typically glaring hole in their non-sequitor, illogical knee-jerk position is this:

Those who ignore the law NOW will ignore the law in the future.

This is also, of course, a direct path to gun registration: and ladies and gentlemen, I will cheerfully go to jail before I register my weapons.

It's a figment of the warped positions of the rag that they would fight to punish those of us who obey the law for the acts of those who ignore it.

That this is a part of the democratian's agenda is clear: what would these scum be yelping now if the item in question were newspapers instead of guns?

Theoretically, you can demand a background check on the sale of anything.  What if the poll came back, for whatever the reason, advocating background checks on private newspaper sales?

Think these scum would be as giddy about that?

What about background checks for the sale of cars, which kill and injure a great many more of us than guns every year?

And what if, horror of horrors, these same mental midgets began to demand that those FAILING background checks would actually be PROSECUTED for TRYING TO ILLEGALLY BUY A GUN?
Practically none are.

Once again, the morons at the rag are confusing "motion" (Adding more laws while we ignore the ones we have) with action (Enforcing the laws we have on the books.)  It's this attitude that caused me to join the NRA.

The slimeball scumwad who wrote this garbage editorial offers no solutions to anything, instead taking gratuitous shots at those trying to address real problems
Meanwhile, many legislators this year have wandered off on tangents about such wild ideas as arming teachers, when the Elway Poll showed a paltry 34 percent support of such a bill (which recently failed to advance in the Legislature).
HHhmmmm..... "34%."  Or, about the number of people in Clark County who support the CRC rip off.

Odd, isn't it?

The rag continues to ignore the overwhelming anti-CRC sentiment in this county, and they want to indebt us to the tune of billions for decades.  This has been repeatedly shown in a variety of ways.

Surely the rag wouldn't continue to be gross hypocrites and advocate, based on a single poll, dramatically changing the laws of private sales of guns in this state while ignoring the people of this county who overwhelmingly oppose the CRC scam... would they?

The RANK hypocrisy of the rag in this cannot be overstated.

A single poll equals a demand by these morons that legislators do something.

Years of polls and elections that indicate this communities hatred of the CRC, and what demands do the scum at the Lazy C make?

The demand that legislators IGNORE THOSE POLLS, and build this crap pile anyway.  And that, kids, is REEKING hypocrisy.

This cancer on our community simply cannot go bankrupt fast enough.

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