Sunday, March 17, 2013

The irony of the democratian's idiotic editorial.

On one hand, you've got the pit yorkie, John Laird, saying that it's just swell to ignore the will of the people on the 2/3rd's vote requirement to jack up our taxes.

On the other hand, ON THE SAME DAY, you've got these same scum urging that "the people" be listened to (as if the people WEREN'T being listened to?) on the issue of ripping off our 2nd Amendment rights.

And what does the rag do when it comes to this?  They demand two things they usually hate: an initiative AND a VOTE OF THE PEOPLE!

The rag, of course, will voluntarily spend the millions it would take to  pay for such a thing: otherwise, they'd just look like a bunch of coat-holding, playground sissies, right?

And how weirdly hypocritical is it that these scum would urge a vote on this, yet support the Taliban City Council of Vancouver's lawsuits against the voters for downtown redevelopment a few years back?

See, this is just another example of the reeking hypocrisy that oozes out of most positions and columns of this cancer on our community.

This bill, which the rag apparently doesn't understand was so screwed up that the democrats couldn't even drag together enough votes for it, is a blatant assault on our 2nd Amendment rights because of one, minor, insignificant detail: of necessity, it would result in a gun registry.

There is the typical whining, lying and sniveling hypocrisy that goes along with this garbage:
Again, this change would not keep anyone who is allowed by law to have a gun from buying one. Any gun buyer who passes a background check can make that transaction. This reality helps explain why the vast majority of National Rifle Association members who responded to a national online survey earlier this year supported universal background checks.
 So, for example, when the scum at the Columbian run one of THEIR on-line polls... and their position gets crushed (anything related to the CRC rip off, for example)... or their position is beaten at the polls (Gay marriage for example, was defeated here in Clark County if memory serves) how much of an impact does that have on them?

And like stealing our money for THEIR CRC project rip off that they won't have to pay for, it's so easy for THEM to force US to pay a fee THEY want... that they won't have to pay because none of those cowards carry a weapon.

Hypocrisy.  It oozes from every pore of those writing at that scum bucket factory.

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