Sunday, March 17, 2013

The gaping logic hole in the pit yorkie's babble.

As John Laird's agonizingly slow final days at the local Pravda Izvestia wind down, it becomes clearer as to the true cause of his departure:


The self-righteous and lame effort to engage in the impossible, namely, rehabing Rep. Jim Moeller's (Communist - 49) image for once again ignoring the will of the people on the matter of the 2/3rd's vote requirement lacked one essential ingredient to make any sense at all:

A call on Moeller and the rest of the fringe-leftists to put the matter to a vote of the people.

Of course, as a fringe-left, pro-tax, pro-CRC scammer, there's no way that the yorkie would ever consider such a thing: you've never seen this waste of skin demand that either ballpark or the CRC scam be put to a vote of the people, because when the people oppose the delusion that is your view, well, that opposition just becomes so damned inconvenient.

I, for one, still support the super-majority requirement, which that lying scumbag wrongly inferred was a 2/3rds requirement when it was, in fact a 3/5's requirement: as a lying scumbag, Laird isn't about to let a fact interfere with his delusion and this is a time to point out that the simple fact is that this restriction, voted into place on five separate occasions, represents the will of the people in most every county of this state... something else this scumbag doesn't acknowledge.

Fortunately, the GOP Senate may still observe this rule.  Without an indicated 2/3rd's support for tax increases, they can simply keep them from coming to the floor which has roughly the same impact.

All-in-all, today's spew from this mouth-breathing moron is just another proof that we'll be well rid of his communist ass and that he's over-stayed his welcome by about a decade.

This, of course, isn't about our will.  They don't give a damn about that; in fact, our will terrifies these scum.  It's about sinking their fangs deeper and deeper into our jugulars so they can steal from us to give to their friends.

That's the kind of garbage the pit yorkie supports.  Because that who... and what... he is.

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