Friday, March 15, 2013

Van Mechelen, Non-Cowlitz Tribal member who lives 100 miles away from us...

... slithers in to whine, bitch and moan some more...

Don't you just love it when someone who livesd 100 miles away from us feels compelled to tell us what to do so HE can get a check sent to him in Olympia?

Like most people claiming Cowlitz tribal membership, Rod Van Mechelen doesn't live here.  In fact, like the vast majority of the tribe, he doesn't live anywhere NEAR here.

But because he wants to bury his head in the trough of this economic black hole, there's no end to the whining and sniveling he spews out when things don't go this organized crime's way.

His first idiocy is to attempt to get us to faint dead away in gratitude that a few people around here might benefit from this rip off... as if the costs to our community would even break even: absurd on it's face but the kind of thing a slimeball that doesn't live here could be expected to do as he sees it all slipping away:
Rod Van Mechelen · Top Commenter · University of Washington
Lucretius Carus The Tribe would NOT pay tax on revenue, BUT tribal members would pay taxes on any per capita (dividend) distributions, and tribal casinos have to buy their supplies and support services from somebody, and in most cases those somebodies are local businesses that do pay taxes, not to mention employ people who pay taxes. Plus, as part of gaming compacts, tribes agree to donate a percent of their revenue to the local communities--not to the local politicians, but directly to the schools, charitable organizations and others who need it.

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