Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sen. Annette Cleveland joins the lying scum brigade on the CRC.

When it comes to the CRC scam, there's no lie they won't tell, no exaggeration they won't engage in, no twisting of the facts, and no corruption they won't engage in to enslave us to this bizarre idea.

Rookie liar, Anette Cleveland long-since joined the "bend us over" crowd along with her husband, who runs the lying-premise "Washington for CRC" scam site.

So, what's Cleveland do?  But out an abbreviated list of the CRC lying points,each long-since disproven many for years, startlingly similar to the much longer list of lies Rep. Jim Moeller (Communist - 49) dumped out a few days back..

You can go over their and read it.  But using lies and twisting the facts isn't the way to convince anyone... and yesterday's cluster-f&*k in the 49th was just the usual CRC scum preaching to each other: It was much like the new Pope attempting to convert a room full of Catholics to Catholicism. 

At this point, we're very fortunate to have the GOP Senate to stand in the way of lying scum like Cleveland, who lies about the CRC, much like that silly idiot lied about her absurd and bizarre double-toll bill.

It's frightening and disturbing that the misguided souls of the 49th would elect Three Stooges like those they've infected SW Washington with, but they insist on sending these scum to Olympia: The rest of the world around here will insist on calling them out, each and every time they lie.

And man, do they do that a lot... or what?

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