Sunday, March 17, 2013

Some of the problem I've got with an adrift GOP.

I wish I'd written this, but I didn't.  This is an effort from Six Meat Buffet: Delenda Est CPAC. Nevertheless, it states with some paucity my position on the GOP.

Delenda Est CPAC

March 17th, 2013 at 9:14 am by Brian

There were very few rays of sunshine if I am to believe the coverage of CPAC Republican Party navelgazing this last week.  Mitt Romney’s first choice for President, Ohio Senator Rob Portman, selfishly came out in favor of gay marriage because his son is gay.  If only his son was a cocaine addict like Joe Biden’s daughter perhaps we could get Republicans to end the War on Drugs!
The news that Senator Rob Portman of Ohio has become a supporter of equal marriage rights for gays and lesbians because he himself has a gay son was a surprise. That’s because Portman is not only a staunch conservative but also an important member of the Republican Party establishment; he was a key adviser to Mitt Romney during his Presidential campaign, his debate-prep partner, and he was seriously vetted for Vice-President on the G.O.P. ticket. Many people, including myself, predicted that Portman would be the V.P. pick, and some believe that, had Portman been chosen, Romney could have won.
The New Yorker says this with a straight face.  Romney/Portman could have won what exactly?  Fourth place in Iowa for the Democratic primary?

What was once a rabblerousing, base motivating exercise in competing ideologies within the Republican Party is now nothing more than the establishment’s half-assed effort to homogenize opinion in advance and somehow get a good review from the Washington Post.  Which ain’t gonna happen:
Maybe it’s a sign of the times, but CPAC wasted little time before tacking the immigration issue.
The first speech kicked off at 9 a.m., and by 10:45, immigration was front-and-center with a panel discussion titled, “Respecting Families and the Rule of Law: A Lasting Immigration Policy.”
Predictably, much of the conversation dealt with how conservatives who support securing the border must also adopt a more compassionate tone when discussing immigration.
Respecting (Illegal) Families and the Rules of Law?  Pick one.  Besides, what is there to discuss?  Obama, ICE and Napolitano have already passed de facto amnesty and several states are giving illegal aliens discounted college aid far below what legal citizens in an adjacent state would have to pay.  We are already in a lawless time.  Worse than lawless actually.  No laws for some and rigidly enforced laws for others.

I live in Nashville, Tennessee and we are a de facto sanctuary city.  Construction is booming and at any time of the day illegals in hard hats are jaywalking from wherever a parking spot is found on the way to the construction site.  Our mayor welcomes them.  Local attorneys provide them pro bono services to keep them in the country illegally.  Local businesses hire them so they can avoid paying taxes.  It is illegality on top of identity theft on top of tax evasion on top of screwing over the poor, benighted souls produced from our public education system who have to compete against them.  And so very compassionate.

The fact that this gRINgO breed of Republicans thinks that they can out pander and out-bribe illegal Latinos is beyond misguided.  A “compassionate tone” does not replace the fact the problem is not the messenger but the message.  You are rewarding theft of services, rewarding lawbreakers versus those who are following the rules and exposing the rest of us to potentially dangerous criminals and re-introduction of once controlled disease that we now have no immunity to or antibiotics to defend against.   Politic correctness is going to kill us.

With the exception of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and very few others, CPAC has staked out an illegitimate claim to the mantel of conservatism with is Stalinist/Boehner-esque purge of dissenting voices.  Delenda est C-PAP.

Now go brush off Dan Quayle and his son so you can foist him, Jeb Bush (the omnipresent answer to a question no one asked) and all the other “It’s My Turn” self-entitled RINOs / establishment born scions of privilege to lay claim to their family’s feudal throne of Big Government Republicanism.  Then piss on our legs and tell us you’re severely conservative.

NOTE:  To any future candidates of this dead party, do not ever hire a career Republican consultant.  Pat Caddell said it as caustically as needed and it’s a pattern I’ve noticed for years -
“In my party we play to win. We play for life and death,” Caddell said at a panel in a room that was only one-third full when it started and was standing room only once word spread throughout CPAC that Caddell was blistering the Republican elite. “You people play for a different kind of agenda…Your party has no problem playing the Washington Generals to the Harlem Globetrotters.”
Caddell said this mentality infected Romney, whose campaign consultants thold him to “back off” toward the end of the 2012 election and failed to realize that “you must also get your base” while courting independents.
He then blasted the “CLEC–the consultant, lobbyist, and establishment complex,” which he said was a “self serving interconnected network of individuals and organizations interested in preserving their own power far more than they’re interested in winning elections.”
Your inexperience gets sabotaged within from your consultants who are always working for the other guy.  You’re a flash in the pan.  The Bushes are eternal.
“Just follow the money,” Caddell told a rapt audience. “It’s all there in the newspaper. The way it works is this–ever since we centralized politics in Washington, the House campaign committee and the Senate campaign committee,  they decide who they think should run. You hire these people on the accredited list [they say to candidates] otherwise we won’t give you money. You hire my friend or else.”
Financial corruption is a key component of the current process, according to Caddell. “There’s money passing under the table on both parties. Don’t kid yourself…If you can’t see racketeering in front of you, God save you.”
A must read and watch.
We need look no farther then that worthless manikin we've got representing us in Congress as a total example of what's being discussed here.

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