Sunday, March 17, 2013

The unspeakable arrogance of teachers.

I was at the 18th District town hall in Camas yesterday, when we were all confronted with a whiny set of teachers... teachers who simply have forgotten just who the hell they work for.

One particularly moronic example of the breed assured me that she didn't work for those of us who paid her salary: no, instead, she worked "for the children."


Then let the "children" pay her.

Meanwhile, this moron whined about the "crushing" burden of being evaluated, using typically false information to do so, while taking a shot at Rep. Liz Pike for her exceptional effort to arm teachers in the classroom.

I became sick of hearing the bitching, the moaning, the "over worked, put upon and underpaid" garbage coming out of one teacher in particular.

So, I got up and said something like this:
I'm not from here... I live in Hockinson.  And here's the thing: you teachers work for us.  If you don't like what we pay, what the rules are, what the system of evaluation may be or any other condition of your employment, then I have a suggestion: feel free to quit.

That's right, quit. You won't be missed.

And when it comes to weapons in the classroom, I keep thinking about that teacher in Sandy Hook as that guy came through the door to slaughter them... and all she could do is throw a stapler at him.

I have YET to hear any of you nay sayers provide a plan that would have stopped this from happening.  Not one.

During my soliloquy, little Miss "I served 6 years and 2 months in the National Guard" fringe left democrat union slimeball WEA hack (I looked this idiot up) who has to muddle through on $87,000 a year in salary, benefits and retirement informed me that SHE had such a plan... but she declined to share it with us.

So, here's the thing, teachers: you don't LIKE what we, who pay your salaries want of you?

Then STFU and go pump gas for a living.  Because you ain't all that and none of you impress me if your attitude is that your judgment is superior to that of ours, and that we should kiss your ass just for showing up for your part time, 183 day per year job.

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