Monday, March 11, 2013

Scum of the earth raising up to lie about the CRC and continue to shut down the opposition.

There's a new group of lying scum out there laughingly calling themselves: "Washington for CRC."

Lew Waters has identified most of the slime involved: in keeping with the CRC policy of ignoring public input, these scum simply delete the many comments calling their "facts" and conclusions into question.

They ignore the concerns the people have, they don't care that we don't want this garbage heap built, and a quick review of their scam facebook page shows that there's no lie they won't tell, but plenty of remarks they'll delete if they don't like them... like links to documentation to prove they're lying punks.

Their problem:  They're the same scum with the same lies they've been shilling since this rip off started.

They are wasting their time, effort and energy trying to lie enough to get the senators... and presumably, the people, to change their minds and vote this crap hole through.

They are as despicable as this project.  And soon, they'll both go away.

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