Saturday, March 09, 2013

Congrats to Brancaccio: today's babble reached new heights in the moronic, the stupid and the inane.

When you're a fringe-left nut job like Lightheels Lou, your total buy-in to an asinine project like the corruption of the CRC scam blinds you to either reality, or alternatives.

My respect for our local editorial scumbag matches his for Sen. Don Benton, to put a point on it.

Brancaccio is incapable of admitting he's screwed up.  It's part of why I continue to hear these insistent rumors that his own job is at risk.  Unfortunately for this community, his treatment of others, particularly subordinates, has been in some instances reprehensible, I keep hearing, and he has been forced by ownership to personally apologize to many he's mistreated.

Unfortunately, he has not yet been tasked to apologize to those he's victimized the most: this community.  And his moronic column of today, where, once again, he leaves out the salient facts that not only are Benton and Sen. Ann Rivers actually (GASP!) REPRESENTING THEIR DISTRICTS ON THIS ISSUE... but so are the senators from the other two above average-intelligent districts within the boundaries of Clark County that he's loathe to mention, Braun and Sen. Curtis King, Co-Chair of the all-important transportation committee.

Sen. King is pivotal. His opposition, not even mentioned in Brancaccio's whiny little screed, is well known. Why did Brancaccio leave it out?

Brancaccio is even stupid enough to mix up his metaphors: unfortunately, due to the corruption he's supporting and a worthless waste of billions of a project that he's completely bought into... to the exclusion of projects that actually WOULD make a difference, unlike his "I'm addicted to light rail" drug fix he's been trying to ram down our throats for the last decade or so, this scam isn't an "ugly baby," it's a "dead baby."

It was stillborn the moment they decided to ignore the people.  It was stillborn the second slime like Btrancaccio, Leave-it and Stuart threw the people of Clark County under the bus by ignoring us through policy and scamming us into the laughingly and utterly false claim that this crap pile was the "locally preferred alternative" when, while I knew better at the time, we ALL know better now thanks to the Oregon Supreme Court telling the truth about the background for this scam... a truth that dillwad Brancaccio has done his level best to ignore for over a year because, well, those inconvenient truths are just not worthy of space in his propaganda swindle sheet.

It's not OUR Baby, Lou: It's YOUR baby.  And it's been long past time to hold the funeral: 8 years or so to be precise. And when this thing gets killed... and it is going to get killed... you're going to look even more the role of blithering idiot than you usually do.

You and your pit yorkie have been beating the hell out of those of us wise enough to oppose this massive waste of money (An understatement if ever I've written one) literally for years.

Our concerns: ridiculed.  The policy of the CRC to deliberately ignore the concerns and input of the people? trashed.

Your attacks against those, like me, who oppose you?

They make you no better than any other Nazi liar.

And then THIS column?

We don't care about "the pro-CRC scam group."  Those of us in the loop have known about them for weeks now: made up of the same liars that have been shilling this for years.  Made up of scum like you, Lou; scum who don't give a shit about this community or what the people want when those two things conflict with your vision... your agenda.

See, here's the problem:th3ese slime will have nothing new.  They've only got lie after recycled lie: much like you.  They won't be able to make the sale because there's no way TO make the sale.

Even the asinine questions your ask based on the unalterable STUPID idea that we SHOULD IGNORE THE DETAILS.

That's when the thought occurred to me: you must be insane, Lou.  Certifiably.

You expect us to TRUST government?  Like those idiotic enough to support the SR520 scam trusted them, only to discover a $200 million mistake?  And who gets to pay for that, Lou?

You idiotically (And calling you an idiot on this does a disservice to the word, by the way) write:
Possibly more important than simply making the case that the bridge is ours, there is a sense from many in this community that the conversation about the CRC has to shift. It has to shift from talking about all the problematic details mentioned above to a much broader topic. And that broader topic is what a new bridge would mean to this community.
Let me help you with, Idiot-Stick:

Your use of the term "many" is just another lie.  It isn't "many."  It's a "few," who, like you, are desperate to get this thing built.  No matter the spin, no matter the lie, no matter how much it costs, no matter how much it will damage us, our local economy and tens of thousands of families who have to pay for YOUR nightmarish vision.

And that's what you've described in this paragraph.

You see, the more we drill down into your corruption, the more repulsive this scam becomes.

The more we uncover the fiscal incest and disregard for the law, for the people and for our money, the slimier those involved and their supporters... like you.... get.

So, you want these clowns to engage in the hypnotic, Hitler-like politics of the "bright, shiny object."

And that just goes to show that you don't care about this community or the people who would be yoked to this rip off for 4 decades plus.  You want what you want, and SCREW the people of this community.

What this unnecessary bridge/loot rail (And I note you didn't even MENTION loot rail and today's swill: why is that?) scam would mean to this community is a nightmare.  It would mean that, once again, the government by, for and of the people actually IGNORED the people to build this steaming pile of shit.  It would mean blowing a $100,000,000 per year hole in our local economy as that much disposable income would vaporize to pay for your garbage heap.

It would mean the small businesses dependent on that disposable income would go under and you know what, slime bucket?

You NEVER talk about THAT.

It would mean that scum like you were successful in keeping this from a vote.  It would mean that the hated loot rail camel's nose would now be firmly shoved under Clark County's tent flap as the bankrupt TriMet sank their fangs deeper... and deeper... into our jugular as you scum offer us up as willing victims.

And then, THIS stupidity:
In other words, what would this community look like without the new bridge?
Uh.... exactly like it does now... except with billions -more dollars in our pockets.
And what would this community look like with a new bridge?
Uh.... exactly like it does now, except with the higher crime of loot rail and billions being sucked out of our pockets.

You really have to ask these inane questions?  Are you that much of a moron?
Could it be the difference between Vancouver living in the past, as a quiet suburb of Portland?
Uh.... no.  We will always be a "suburb of Portland."

Are you stupid?
Or living in the future as a vibrant, growing city with more opportunities for our children to stay, live and work here?
Lou, you lie like other people breath.  Building this rip off will do no such thing.  That you'd even remotely believe that we should sacrifice our economic future for a scam like this?

Campbell can't GET rid of you fast enough.

And then this idiocy:
Still, I have great respect for Rivers. She is, I believe, a rising star in politics. So I asked her what this project would need to look like for her to support it. Here's her answer:
"A project that increases freight mobility and reduces congestion by more than one minute, that does not have light rail but has a more cost effective and efficient form of mass transit, that is high enough to allow our marine economy to thrive — not just for today, but for the next 100 years, a project that is funded evenly and equitably between the two states."
It is fair to say you can read that as a "no" to the proposal on the table.
Because I respect her, I also respect her view. But her stand means the path to getting this bridge built likely does not go through Clark County. It suggests that a couple of state senators -- from the Puget Sound or Spokane? -- would have to move based on an overall transportation package that would include improvements in their districts.
Your would throw the local community under a bus by not even demanding that both states fund it evenly and equitably?

No demand on your part that Oregon actually negotiate in good faith?  Or re-look this issue to make it fair so that we're not paying for everything while those clowns enjoy the benefit of our labor and our money while we're paying for it?

My God, you are scum.

And your ignorance about transportation funding cannot be overstated.

Where's the money going to come from for these "Puget Sound" and "Spokane" projects since we'd be sucking it all up here?

The senators from those regions are much more likely to GET their projects if we do NOT waste those hundreds of millions on THIS one.

How you can even be let out without a keeper is beyond me.

This thing is DOA.  And monuments will be built to Benton and Rivers for doing their part to drive a stake through it's heart.

And then, you build a monument to your own idiocy and stupidity by wrapping it up with this swill:
Whether or not our Republican senators will support this project doesn't discount the importance of our community's having a conversation about what we want to be. Win or lose this bridge battle, that conversation should take place. We desperately need a rallying issue that can bring us together rather than rip us apart. And it's possible an open community conversation — in and of itself — could be that rallying issue.

For all our sakes, let's hope so.
The people have spoken: repeatedly.  You and your ilk just don't want to hear it.

You moronically act like the "conversation" hasn't BEEN taking place... for YEARS.

Marc Boldt and Joe Tanner, pro-CRC'ers in the last election getting crushed means nothing to you.  It's as if it didn't happen.  The CScam tax rip-off was crushed.

Whatever our "community" is going to be, it's "going to be" it without that fricking scam you and your ilk want so badly.  To act like we haven't been talking about it is to overlook the obvious: the more it GETS talked about.... the more opposition coalesces around the very idea.  Your column is as moronic as your response to the proven claim that in each CRC/loot rail story for several years, you never printed anything from the opposition when you lied by claiming you couldn't find any.

And when it comes to "ripping us apart?"

NO one has done more to accomplish that than you, scumbag.  You've BEEN doing it for years.  And now you're expressing concern about it?



  1. The only "shifting" needed in the discussion is to shut it down and launch a full scale criminal investigation into the CRC and all associated with it, prosecutions if warranted.

  2. I, for one, can't wait.


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