Friday, March 08, 2013

Remember this moronic idiocy from the Columbian yesterday? S. Dakota passes Pike's Armed Teachers law.

The fringe-left nutters running the daily democrat newsletter have frequently proven themselves to be an embarrassment to the community, and yesterday was no exception.

Among other stupidity they spewed was this tidbit:
Meanwhile, many legislators this year have wandered off on tangents about such wild ideas as arming teachers, when the Elway Poll showed a paltry 34 percent support of such a bill (which recently failed to advance in the Legislature)
Of course, the moron who wrote this failed to offer any alternative, just like the fringe left whackers opposed to this effort never do.

Yeah.  Arming teachers is a "wild idea,"  which explains perfectly why South Dakota has just passede a law to do that very thing. .

South Dakota Passes Law Arming Teachers

It allows volunteer 'school sentinels' to carry guns on campus

By Kevin Spak,  Newser Staff

Posted Mar 8, 2013 1:
(Newser) – South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed a law today that will allow the state's teachers and volunteer "school sentinels" to pack heat in the classroom. While other states have laws that in theory might allow teachers to be armed, South Dakota is believed to be the first to specifically allow it, the New York Times reports. About two dozen other states are considering similar measures.
The law was hotly debated in the legislature, with opponents calling it dangerous, but proponents saying it would give small, far-flung schools with no nearby police departments a way to protect themselves, according to the Argus-Leader. Each school will also be able to opt out of the "sentinels" program if it wishes.
Is arming teachers the right thing to do?

Don't know. But I believe it will do until one of these fringe-left whack jobs can come up with a better idea.

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