Thursday, February 28, 2013

Memo to Cleveland: your grandstanding waste of time won't work.

Look, we know if this was a serious effort, you certainly wouldn't be the point on it... an actual grown up would.

Second, since there isn't going to be any money out of the Senate, why are you wasting your time with this garbage?

You are actually moronic enough to believe that the rest of the state would support jacking up our already sky-high gas tax to pay for this garbage?

Here's a clue, idiot-stick: we don't want this.  The people of your district don't want this: the people of this state don't want this.

Why you're wasting our time, effort and energy... not to mention our money on a lame effort like this is beyond me... but then, you're a democrat, so wasting our money is something you're good at.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    You mean she's doing something other than killing stormwater bills?


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