Friday, March 01, 2013

Is it time for the Clark County GOP to sanction Herrera?

Face it: we're cursed with a moron in Congress.

This complete waste of skin has cleared each and every one of the low bars I've set for her: she has been everything I expected her to be... and less.

Not everyone in Congress is cut out for politics:

There are, essentially, two kinds of people in representative office: those who represent the PEOPLE, and those who represent THEMSELVES.

Jaime Herrera is such a creature.

She has had the classic DEMOCRAT upbringing: she's never worked a private sector job, never bought a house, never been a parent, never ran a business, worked for the government at minor jobs for the entirety of her post-school life.

She accomplished nothing in the Legislature, and has out-Boldted Marc Boldt in her slavish devotion to the democrats since she was, to our shame, elected to represent us.

Article One of the Items for Sanction:
The Clark County GOP sanctions (thankfully) democrat former County Commissioner (and my brother in law) Marc Boldt.

What does Ridgefield Barbie do?

Endorse him for re-election, slapping the county GOP across the face.

Isn't it time to slap back?.
Article Two of the Items for Sanction.  
Babs promised to act on the CRC based on the outcome of the CTran tax scam concerning loot rail.

What, exactly, has she done in that regard?

Absolutely nothing.

The people of this county do not want, do not need and cannot afford this scam: Ridgefield Babrbie wants all of it- the tolls, another bridge and loot rail.

How does one know this?

Other than beating her gums, what has she done to put a stop to this mess?

What has she done to hold the scum shilling this accountable?  Where is a demand for a federal grand jury?

She's written a couple of letters.  She's been bitch-slapped by that slimy worm they elected Mayor of Vancouver, Tim "The Liar" Leave-it, making people believe she is looking out for them... when that's a lie.

She could have spiked the funding for this whole scam, and based on the CTran outcome and her word that she would be guided by that outcome, she damned sure should have.

She sat on transportation for her first two wasted years in Congress... what did she get accomplished there?

The same as she got accomplished in the Legislature: absolutely nothing.
Article Three of the Items for Sanction.
She has repeatedly voted to raise the debt ceiling, voted for sequestration and just yesterday, pandered to her fellow leftists by showing her sexist bigotry and voting for the so-called "Violence Against Women Act," as if violence against women and every freak known to man was any different or more important then violence against men....  showing some of that situational equality that women today are all about.

Here's the thing: she is the federal version of Marc Boldt.  What's it going to take for the local GOP to react against this RINO the way they properly smacked down Boldt?
Article Four of the Items for Sanction.
Herrera is a coward.

She refuses to hold regular, open, town hall meetings around the district, instead relying on a carefully-screened group, typically with check books, and short notice in small venues where she can dominate the proceedings.

She shies away from controversial issues, such as "Women in Combat," or homos in the military... two positions she STILL hasn't revealed.  She refuses to represent her people instead of the special interests who own her like the 13th Amendment is, in fact, the 13th Suggestion.
 What's the hold up?

This women is bringing shame to us by failing to represent us.  And now would be a really good time for the local GOP to send that hapless moron a message.

She'll probably ignore it like she does the rest of us, but it's worth a shot.

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