Thursday, February 28, 2013

As expected, RINO Jaime Herrera, our local Cowardwoman, sold us all out and voted against her caucus on the scam "Violence Against Women Act."

It's tough when your representation in the United States House of Representatives is a coward.  It's even tougher when her concern begins and ends at the tip of her nose.

In her latest sell out, Ridgefield Barbie voted with the democrats (So what else is new?) to sell us out.... again... on the corruption of the so-called "Violence Against Women Act," a mishmash of gender based advantages that now has every perverted sexual practice known to man thrown under the protection of the Federal government... or at least it will when that empty-suited idiot in the White House signs it.

Herrera, who has done precisely dick to rate being in Congress, is the Federal version of Marc Boldt.  Like Boldt, she all too frequently votes against GOP principles and then proceeds to lie whenever the mood strikes.

Far too much of a coward to hold town hall meetings or give us her position on "women in combat," she has been utterly worthless in addressing the scam of the CRC, having done absolutely nothing to either stop that scam or hold any of the corrupt scum involved in it accountable.

It's been 5 months since the election that was supposed to provide her with the guidance she was seeking on the loot rail scam, AND SHE HAS DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO CHANGE ANY OF IT.

She continues to avoid open town hall meetings in favor of very controlled and small "coffees" particularly with those who are possessed of a checkbook they likely will aim in her direction.

She is, in fact, the very worst politics has to offer and I am, frankly, ashamed that this self-aggrandizing moron "represents" the people of SW Washington in Congress since, based on the record, she's clearly only interested in representing herself at our expense, as we are but another notch on her gunbelt on the ladder to her political ignominy.

Herrera voted against the GOP alternative and then voted for the democrat bill.

It's as if the equality that many women seek is of the situational variety... as if violence against women, or gays or any of the other oddballs out there is somehow more important then violence against men.

It's isn't.

Violence is violence.  Socialism is socialism.  And this slimeball's vote makes me even more ashamed of her than I already was... and I didn't believe that to be possible until today.



  1. Herrera won because Democratic "League of Women Voters" crossed over and voted for her ONLY BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN. That's her constituency, dude.

  2. Only because she wants it to be... she would have won without them as well, given how the democrats spent most of Haugen's campaign beating him to a pulp because of his CRC stance.

    I don't deny her catering to the special interests she believes owns her: that's why she's talking out of both sides of that horse-face on the CRC.

    But for me, the irony is that, if I were to vote purely based on race or gender, I would be considered a bigot, a sexist, a racist.

    When women, or blacks, or hispanics do that very thing, no one gives it a second thought.

    And I am in total agreement with your statement here. What I'm doing is calling that empty suited manikin out for it.


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