Saturday, June 16, 2012

So, where's our erstwhile Congresswoman on King Obama's latest illegal alien scam?

By now, every living sentient being in the United States likely knows of our version of Hugo Chavez bypassing Congress to implement his version of the "Dream Act" by providing amnesty to 800,000 or so illegal aliens... and providing them with rights that Americans can't even get.

Exclusive of the tremendous hit this dictate puts on the country's employment issue, this shows that when he wants his way, process is meaningless.

And the response from our congresswoman?


While it's likely that her handlers haven't yet told her what to say, and Casey hasn't yet cranked out the press release to get her handlers approval, the fact is that she COULD have said SOMETHING to acknowledge this power-grab, instead of just doing her "deer-in-the-headlights" imitation that has marked her tenure in politics from the beginning.

Courage is a rare commodity in our politicos, particularly those who are aiming to run for the senate in 4 years or so... can't afford to take a stand, and why would you when you've gotten so far using Obama-style campaign tactics that, well, seem to be wearing rather thin with the American people.

So, tell us, Jaime: what's your position on this scam, and what do you intend to do about it?

As if we should even ask.

1 comment:

  1. If she ever took a definite position on anything, I'd be astonished.


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